going to China, again



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
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Austin, TX
I leave Friday night for Hong Kong. Will be in mainland China for nearly 2 weeks. This is my second trip over there, although I will be visiting a different area. I suppose it is a great experience, but I am not really looking forward to it. Did I ever mention how much I hate outsourcing?? Anyway, I will have a laptop with me and will try to check in from time to time.
Been there, got the tee-shirt and tatoo. :drinkers: Hope you have a good time and safe trip..Cheers

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These are a few of the more 'flattering' images I've taken so far.

This is a shopping trip to an art center near Dongguan. There are hundreds of shops that sell oil paintings, both copies and originals, as well as sculptures and other art. Notice the bamboo scafolding on the building under construction... very common sight both in China and Hong Kong.

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The building with the Cannon sign is a multi-level shopping mall near our hotel in Shenzhen. We walked through 4 levels but got tired of being grabbed by the arm by the shop owners wanting us to come into their shop an look. Also, every 5 feet someone comes up to you trying to sell copy watches, bootleg DVD's and computer software, etc, etc.

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Here are some shots of a ferry boat ride from Shenzhen to Zhuhai. That's me standing at the back of the boat by the China flag.

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Greg I didn't know you traveled overseas. I have been in Huizhou for about 45 days (1 hour from Hong Kong) and will be here to the end of March or longer. Spent 11/2 years before this in Nanjing. Got to help them build the petrochemical plants to make the plastic things. Wish I could find where they build those Eagle and Scat engine parts. Have a good stay. Andy
Gotdart--i bet u are enjoying some KILLER food !!

PLEASE try and get me some recipes !!! (kung pao, garlic chicken, etc...) im a chinese food junky.... =P~ =P~ =P~
Great pics,
Wow, very clean sidewalks etc. I don,t think I seen one piece of paper on the ground in any of your pics. Glad ya had a good time.
Yeah, wonderful place. Communist paradise, all that wal-mart revenue flowing into the coffers of the red army, pegging the yuan artificially, unhampered by human rights, labor unions, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCIES, sabre rattling over Taiwan, letting N. Korea run amuck and not reigning them in. Remember Tienamen square? Or how Tibet used to be a separate country? How about the Chinese presence in the middle east and S. America? Supressing the numbers of the new flu infection rates over there. We're gonna miss that manufacturing base we used to have that helped us win WWII. You can bet on it...... Anybody for charges of treason against the Walton family? :angry4:
PS, yeah, clean sidewalks. the threat of a bullet to the base of the skull does wonders for most any social problem. :evil5:
Yes, but they DO have one thing going for them: Pretty Asian women :wav: What can I say? I'm biased :D