going to hell in a hurry

Just an observation. Why don't they have washrooms and locker rooms that are listed like this. "MALE", "FEMALE", "OTHERS". That would take care of everybody and nobody would be discrimated against. It would probably cost less in the long run to.

im going to stir the pot a bit..

lets say i need to pick up one of my children at the local high school today. just as i get there i feel a need to relieve my self and im feeling kind of feminine today, so i decide to use the girls restroom instead of the mens, maybe get a little look at the pretty little girls. is that ok? sure it is.
1st this is a public building and im a member of the public,
2nd i have a right to be there because i have to pick up my kid,
3rd they cant keep my out due to my age as that would be age discrimination, and discrimination is a big no-no
4th for that matter why not any publicly owned buildings restroom?
where does it stop?

Well under the previous situation you could in theory go into a boys/mens restroom and look at little boys. Lets say somebody did that and watched little boys with their private parts exposed, how would that be any better or acceptable compared to do it to girls using the front of having gender issues?
im going to stir the pot a bit..

lets say i need to pick up one of my children at the local high school today. just as i get there i feel a need to relieve my self and im feeling kind of feminine today, so i decide to use the girls restroom instead of the mens, maybe get a little look at the pretty little girls. is that ok? sure it is.
1st this is a public building and im a member of the public,
2nd i have a right to be there because i have to pick up my kid,
3rd they cant keep my out due to my age as that would be age discrimination, and discrimination is a big no-no
4th for that matter why not any publicly owned buildings restroom?
where does it stop?

Well under current situations you could hypothetically do the same thing in the mens room to little boys and obviously that wouldnt be acceptable so how would that be worse than somebody posing as a transgender to look at little girls?

O.K.,you went and made me take notice,in one sentence you say that its not a big deal when something involves two adults in private,then you say you think that alot of peoples sexual tendencies and or perversions are shaped when they are children right?.Do you see how hipocritical your stements are when were talking about a measure that involes a.children b.PUBLIC not PRIVATE schools wich are funded by tax dollars C.A law wich is solely about empowering a minority of people to express themseve sexually any way they want-and again in a public place with our children.This is the blindness that allows these laws to pass,if certain people would put logic before emotion this country would be in a much better place.BTW,just what do you think shapes a countries overall condition?,It starts with its peoples values!.

Well last time I checked we live in a democracy that balances the will of the majority while protecting the rights of the minority. If that was not the case we could still have slavery here if most people thought it was "ok" Your statement about a minority to express themselves sexually in any way they want is BS. Gay kids or strait kids arent suddenly going to start giving blow jobs or having sex in the hallways of the school. There wont be gay kids raping the strait kids with consent of the school district as you'd like to spin it. This is typical right wing spin in my opinion, the "homosexual agenda" and "radical left" forcing their lifestyles down everybody else's throats. Its simply not the case, the only thing that is being forced is tolerance of other people. Coexisting with gays,les or bi or trans people has no bearing on my attraction to women or my relationship with my girlfriend, I dont see how it would be different for anybody else here either.
WE the people dont need the goverment making any more laws without a majority consent regarding the rights of minorities-regardlees of gender,race,gun laws ect..The more laws that are made the more it empowers one group over another-wether you agree with me or not it is proven over and over again in our history and in other countries.Take for example the countries who have revoked the gun rights of the majority due to a minority who feel they are useless and evil and what happens?,crime goes up!.Its a simple concept,if a person is homosexual then they should have a program for them period,not make the other children to suffer and feel like maybe there lifestyle is under question.Its a very simple concept to grasp really,take care of the few who are different without burdeoning the majority who are not!.You and I obviously do not agree and to each his own,I come here for cars and get sucked into this lol! (no pun intended) but I dont believe in being silent either,so I said my piece and thats that.
Btw,the comment about gay kids raping straight kids or blow jobs in the hallway is absurd and way off topic.The bottom line is children dont need boys going into girls bathrooms ect.,sexuality is hard enough at young ages without more confusion added to it.And they certainly dont need to teach the majority of children about alternative lifestyles and not use the term mom and dad because a few are different,again get them counseling and support and leave the other children alone.And now back to cars,Im done with my rant lol.
You guys are arguing about the wrong thing. The whole point here is the idea of boys and girls sharing restrooms in schools was fabricated by the anti-gay worldnews web people to spin their ultra right wing agenda. That whole load of nonsense is pure conjecture they dreamed up to paint the new legislation in an anti-left / pro-right light. Total horrseshit.
I actually did glance at the legislation.

I believe the primary “thrust” of the article in the “right wing paper” was concern over textbooks and indoctrination of children.

“Because no textbook or instruction in California public schools currently disparages transsexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality, the practical effect of SB777 will be to require positive portrayals of these sexual lifestyles at every government-operated school,"

I didn’t see bathrooms specifically mentioned in the legislation. But I think I know where the Gay Activist lawyers will take this mess.

“She also cited an informational document published by the Gay-Straight Alliance Network and the Transgender Law Center that already is lobbying for special treatment in the school system.

If you want to use a restroom that matches your gender identity … you should be allowed to do so," it advises. "Whenever students are divided up into boys and girls, you should be allowed to join the group or participate in the program that matches your gender identity as much as possible."

Perhaps the subject is of more concern to those that still have rug rats. And they want little Billy to date Bobbie, not Bobby.

And this being an “off topic” general discussion form, did you really come here for cars? Sorry. Bad pun.
IAnd this being an “off topic” general discussion form, did you really come here for cars? Sorry. Bad pun.
Ouch!-hehehe-I can take it-actaully I do come here for cars but I just look at the latest posts and see whats interesting!.I guess since I have kids in the public schools system potential laws-or even the ideas mentioned-gets my attention.