Good way to start the year..



Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Spent some quality time with my dad today.. Caught a limit of 50 catfish and this real nice largemouth bass. Thank you God!!!!

Nice catch! I caught a 18" largemouth Sunday ice fishing, took the whole spool of line about 100 yards!
Nice catch! I caught a 18" largemouth Sunday ice fishing, took the whole spool of line about 100 yards!

Cool.. No ice fishing here.LOL.. Actually this is a " hot water lake". The water in the lake is used for cooling a coal burning power plant thus the water that enters back into the lake is warm.. Makes for some really good winter fishing..
Lakes around Austin are way low and I know the fishing is going to take awhile to come back.I have been fishing Lake Whitney for Strippers and White Bass...You making me want to head out your way!Nice day and when is the FISH FRY !!!
Got friends in Kilgore and Longview about 50 miles from Mt.Pleasant...I am going to have to plan a trip !!!
I got hit with something yesterday that I never knew. In the Bible it says the only fish you suppose to eat has to have fins and scales. The only meat you suppose to eat the animal has to have a split hoof. Another words a horse you wouldn't eat. Anyways I have ate catfish all my life and never got struck by lightning or any body damage as a result..... that I know about.
What a great way to start the year out, who cought that 7 ponder(looks to be) and what kind of bait ? :cheers: you or your dad ?
I have seen a few fishing shows shot on that lake, congratulations on a great day with Dad!!! Life is good :rock: :coffee2:
Congratz on the good day fishing! Enjoy every minute of your time with your Dad. I couldn't tell you what I'd give for just one more day fishing with with mine.
I got hit with something yesterday that I never knew. In the Bible it says the only fish you suppose to eat has to have fins and scales. The only meat you suppose to eat the animal has to have a split hoof. Another words a horse you wouldn't eat. Anyways I have ate catfish all my life and never got struck by lightning or any body damage as a result..... that I know about.

I beleave that was before the new covenant and referred to shell fish or mullisk. After the new covenant you could eat these things.
I got hit with something yesterday that I never knew. In the Bible it says the only fish you suppose to eat has to have fins and scales. The only meat you suppose to eat the animal has to have a split hoof. Another words a horse you wouldn't eat. Anyways I have ate catfish all my life and never got struck by lightning or any body damage as a result..... that I know about.

That was God's rule during the Old Testament.Later in the book of Acts Jesus says that God had cleansed all the animals... So arise,kill,and eat....Acts 10:13.....:cheers:
Nice i love fried catfish,nice bass and any day with pops is a good day, i miss my father and i fishing. I need to go fishing with my sons again before i'm too old .
This reminds me of when I used to work with this guy who had 8 kids. He told me once that when one of his boys was young about 4 -5 he dropped him off to go fishing with relatives. When he came back to pick him up at the end of the day his son was so excited and ran up to him and said, "Daddy, I caught a fish!"

His dad asked, "What kind was it?"

The little boy answered, "It was a big mouth bastard."

After checking with the older people in the group, he had actually caught a Large Mouth Bass. Sometimes kids get their words a little mixed up...

He was close.