Got another one....

Black cats and white cats are not safe in the run up weeks to halloween.

The rescue org I used to help out with refused to adopt them out during this time.

Some folks are sick.

Thanks for saving another one.
Sounds like my house but I got you beat by far. We could be related. My wife bought a full size play house and converted it into a cat shack. I just had to insulate it and put interior in.

Last time she was walking that garbage out the driveway I counted at least 20 following her. I will get some pics next time. I also have 8 dogs and the all like cats. Like you said though no rodents at all. even the ants don't stand a chance here. Are dog bullit eats them. and any bug that he sees.

The back yard has a stockade fence for the dogs. Are new addition now started jumping over when ever I walk to the shop without him. Then he goes to the front yard and lets the cats crawl on him in the sun. Its like animal kingdom here.


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Black cats and white cats are not safe in the run up weeks to halloween.

The rescue org I used to help out with refused to adopt them out during this time.

Some folks are sick.

Thanks for saving another one.

One of my cats is black...and I must admit, she will be undergoing a ritual in the coming weeks that is horrible! :shock:

Well, horrible to HER, anyway: she's getting a bath!
You guys REALLY bathe cats??

Really? we have fourteen it looks like. I went out on the porch tonight and there was a young unneutered male on the porch. smoky grey with a white chest and little white feet. He came right up to me and let me pet him. Damn. He's still out there too.
I like cats too, the most we had at once (other than a litter of kittens) was 3. Chicken, Nugget, and Dumpling. we have fourteen it looks like. I went out on the porch tonight and there was a young unneutered male on the porch. smoky grey with a white chest and little white feet. He came right up to me and let me pet him. Damn. He's still out there too.
Wow man. You must be putting out the good chit to real em in like that lol:toothy10:
I don't know man. It's REAL evident somebody just threw this one out. He's real sweet and sorta scrawny like he's missed some meals. I'll get some pics in the morning.
I used to have one like that that showed up at my door. Meowed forever on my front porch til I came down stairs. I fed it for a good while til it disappeared. Dunno what happened to it, there's alot of strays in my area, but all of em are way too skittish of people and are full grown.
he figured it out with this thread


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Black cats and white cats are not safe in the run up weeks to halloween.

The rescue org I used to help out with refused to adopt them out during this time.

Some folks are sick.

Thanks for saving another one.

You guys REALLY bathe cats??


mine was originally stolen from his momma cat as a kitten by some drunk kids for a Halloween party, they didn't hurt him but they were too drunk to remember where they snatched him from the next day. So after 3 weeks of newspaper ads and looking for where he came from they gave up and were trying to give the cat away, so I got him because I needed a cat because I had a really old grey one that had died around that time ........and that was fall of 2010 and we been buddies since.

I never bathe this one but in the summer he actually jumps in the pool when its 100+ and he sees people in there.
Don't you give your cat a bath? Mine likes it....
However his fur sticks to my tongue.....

That's funny.

One of ours will sometimes climb into the shower with me.

I like dogs, I just don't want to deal with the constant "let's do something" attitude most of them have.

We have a chihuahua that constantly bugs my wife (was hers pre-me).
Drives her crazy (er).

WTH are you spending on cat food?...or do you have THAT many mice?

My brother in law's wife goes to pet stores, and sams, and asks if they have any damaged or out of date pet food. Works out real well for them.

The rescue charity did that too, and sometimes got pallets of food.
Naw we ain't got NO mice. Every now and then we see remains in the yard. lol We ain't even seen a live one since we've been here. Ever. Here's the new cat. No name as of yet. They go through a 16 pound bad a week. It's not but like 10 bucks a bag. We'd probably just spend that 520 a year on something stupid if we didn't have the cats. How can you turn away this face? He was somebody's baby, too. Cause he's real sweet and very affectionate so somebody was taking care of him. They just threw him out.


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Aw. Could be the brother of our triplets.

Two of them have that same pattern.

I call it "dilute tuxedo", combining two "official" cat color terms.
Kitty came up with "FlipFlop" because his front feet don't have complete "boots" on them. lol
You guys REALLY bathe cats??


Occasionally, yes. My two shorthairs get it spring and fall. My Maine Coon gets it whenever I try to shower without closing the bathroom door. If I don't latch it, she will jump in the tub.:wack:

Crazy cat!
shoulda called him lucky. we have a cat named spook, let's see, she's part of the 2 cat, 3 horse, 5 dog, 15 chicken menagerie.
A kitten was found at our main office yesterday.

Someone emailed a picture and asked if anyone wanted it.

After a few hours, I replied that "our department" would help with the neuter/shot cost.

That must have got the ball rolling, because me and the person who first posted the pic got about a dozen emails, including two from coworkers who had Vets in the family volunteering to neuter and vaccinate at severely reduced prices.

By the end of the day, a home was found.

Warms the heart.
Thats pretty awesome of you to take those cats in. I have a new-found appreciation of cats. My fiance brought a really tiny kitten home from work, and I named him Po because he reminded me of the panda from "Kung Fu Panda". For some reason he claims me as his own over everyone else (including the kids) and sleeps near me, sits near me, runs to the door to greet me, he is like my shadow. Its the first time I have ever really owned a cat, and it is MUCH less stress than a dog (although all I ever had was Weimeraners, and they can be a little, ah, difficult.).
This thread reminds me of my wife's cat that she had to have put down this past February. She was like 17-18 years old, and it was time. Right now we have no pets but I know she's gonna want to get another one someday. Sigh. I like cats but I don't want to own one. I do get attached to them though.