Got let go from work today



Mopar Or No Car
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
Springfield, Oregon
Yep, after 5 1/2 years was let go as the company isn't doing too good right now. It's just bad for anyone in the RV industry. I heard they were letting 110 people go today, and they let some go yesterday. Not looking to good that is for sure. There was 5 that I know for sure in my area, one being the Manager and a supervisor. I needed a break anyway,,,lol.
Well that just sucks. Really sorry to hear about it. Anymore it seems that I hear at least once a week about someone losing a job or their house going into foreclosure. Try and keep your head up. Hopefully you will find something else soon that you might even like better!
Sorry to hear that dartcuda but I know what you mean i'm not in the rv industry but it seems anything around here is tight right now. I sure hope something better comes along for you soon. Justin
That really bites the big potato.

enjoy your vacation
Thanks guys. Sure appreciate it. May sound funny but i am kind of relieved as it hasn't been good for awhile and they have been doing lay offs for about 6 months now. And it was getting pretty boring at work since there really wasn't much to do...Just think they waited too long to do this. And to be honest, the President of the place is really not a good person to have in charge. As he has a bad rep In the RV industry and I think that is one of the biggest reason the company is in such bad shape. Just too bad as ithis will more than likely be the end of it.

Justin, I know what you mean. This area has been getting hit pretty hard with lay offs. Hope it ends soon as it isn't good for us here.
Very bad news dartcuda, I hate to hear that for anyone. I wish you the best of luck finding new employment. Maybe some of these guys that are behind McCain should talk to you about how hunkey-dorey it is right now and why people are nervous about thier jobs and the future. Even if you are working your money sure doesn't go very far. I hope that things get better for you and yours.
Sorry to hear dartcuda....

The RV industry as a whole has been hit severely by the gas crisis.

Something new & more exciting around the corner for you I'm sure. In the meantime.........:homework: on your next adventure. :thumblef: Best of Luck
I think that dartcuda is a good man to have on any job site, Just by knowing him here:thumleft: ,and I would agree with Badawg, It is possible to find even a better job dartcuda.:toothy2:
But take a short vacation first.:rock:

I hope everything go's well bud.8)
Sorry to hear that. I read that a Freightliner plant here in SC is going to lay off a couple hundred people also. Apparantly they build a lot of motor home chassis as well. Not that should make you feel any better but it appears these types of things are nationwide. Hopefully it will open the door to bigger and better things for you.
Hey good help is hard to find so it may be a blessing as there may be something better around the corner. use your time off wisely as it is hard to come by. No telling how long before the next break comes along.
Man that does suck big time! Maybe you could start up a new company making "Spotted Owl Sluggers". Baseball bats made from genuine Oregon timber!! If you can... enjoy your time off!
That really sucks, and I am sorry that it happend to you. Just proves to me day after day that there is no such thing as job security anymore. Self employment is more and more apealing as the time goes on.

again, I'm sorry for your miss-fortune.

Take care

Yep, after 5 1/2 years was let go as the company isn't doing too good right now. It's just bad for anyone in the RV industry. I heard they were letting 110 people go today, and they let some go yesterday. Not looking to good that is for sure. There was 5 that I know for sure in my area, one being the Manager and a supervisor. I needed a break anyway,,,lol.

Monaco or Country Coach?????
It doesnt help that Oregon doesnt have any money anyways, let alone money for extra stuff.
Thanks for the kind words. Yeah plan on taking a little time off before looking for work. I know it just isn't the RV industry that is getting hit hard. It is everyone. Housing market is down and that has a lot of people worried and so they have stopped spending like they used to. Gas prices have a lot to do with it but it is just the whole economy. Hopefully it will turn around soon.

Redness I worked for Country Coach

Memike: Thanks for the kind words. I will have to say this site would not be what it is today with out you. You bring allot to it and it has been a pleasure getting to know you, as it has been getting to know allot of the folks on. here.
"the President of the place is really not a good person to have in charge. As he has a bad rep In the RV industry and I think that is one of the biggest reason the company is in such bad shape."

You must be referring to Jay Howard??? I'm assuming since Destinations RV was such a smashing success </sarcasm>

I notice they practice nepotism around there, a list of their executives include Jim Howard and Matt Howard. I've heard some interesting accounting practices are used around there. Expensive diamond rings bought for spouses from company accounts, etc....
If you plan to be self-employed, just wait until you want to hire somebody. Then you will discover how expensive it is to have employees. It ain't easy...or cheap!
Redness, let's don't forget about his short time out at Safari Motorhomes. he only last about a year or so before Matt Perlot canned him. I was working there during that time. Part of the reason they went down after a few years. And let's not forget the show truck Jay has that was built with Country coaches money.