GRRR, got rear ended



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
Reaction score
Seattle, Wa
Not in the Scamp, but the Explorer.

No boating for me this weekend.

I got rear ended sitting at a light in my Explorer, by a Volvo.

Light turned green, people went, people stopped for person turning right, with pedestrian in crosswalk.

This guy wasnt even paying attention.

I had time to look behind me, see the whole front end of a Volvo in my mirror, so he was still 15 feet behind me, go OH Oh, wife goes HUH? Take my foot off the brake to lessen the impact, BAM,

I goes right over my reciever into my bumper.
pushes it in, wife gets whiplash.

So, taking my Explorer in Weds to have it repaired, dont think it will be done in 3 days, supposed to be nice this weekend too.

No visible damage to Volvo, except where my electrical plug bracket gouged his bumper. If i had my hitch on the back it would have impaled his car, sigh.
Nah, i glanced back before he hit me and saw him in the "gonna hit this truck" brace position. He had his wife and 2 kids in the car, so he was distracted in other ways probably.
That's a total drag, hope your wife's whiplash isnt too bad. Very unlike a Volvo driver, they're a different breed, overly careful to a fault. Where I am they stop at green lights, stop on a main road to let someone on a side road in, I've nearly rear ended a hundred of the bastards :munky2:
He was a pretty nice dude, i think i scared his wife when i got out of the car and went around the back, I had just finished working out, been a weight lifter for 25 yrs, i saw her do a gasp and put her hands to her face in the car.
Thanks guys, she has a apt tomorrow to check her neck out better.
He was a pretty nice dude, i think i scared his wife when i got out of the car and went around the back, I had just finished working out, been a weight lifter for 25 yrs, i saw her do a gasp and put her hands to her face in the car.

Now that's funny :-D
HAHA, i got the same reaction when driving my Custom 880 and got rear ended by a 80 Ford Fairmont.

I had to stop, right across a intersection for a guy turning left into a parking lot, this Fairmont didnt stop and plowed into me, hit my bumper with his grill.

Radiator was hosed, hood pushed into windsheild, jammed the driver door shut.

I got out and the lady passenger was freaking out," oh no, hes gonna kill you, hes pissed" dang lady calm down.
Valuable lesson to be learned..... matter how many time you bang your knee on it.. leave the hitch in!!

A Class 4 hitch on a 1 ton van WILL stop a car.
Valuable lesson to be learned..... matter how many time you bang your knee on it.. leave the hitch in!!

A Class 4 hitch on a 1 ton van WILL stop a car.

It is actually illegal to drive with the hitch in the receiver unless it is being used. It's one of those "blue dot" laws that never gets enforced unless the cop just needs a reason to pull you over.
I hope your wife is O.K. That sucks. I hate it when someone else plows into my car. I've had it happen to me in my MINT 58,000 original mile commando '67 barracuda. It TOTALLED my car.
I read the title and immediately thought you dropped your wallet on the street in San Francisco.

I hope your wife feels better soon.
I read the title and immediately thought you dropped your wallet on the street in San Francisco.

I hope your wife feels better soon.

HAHA, i actually have a funny story about being in the Castro with my wife, but thats another post.

We went to the hospital last night, she has a bad case of whiplash. I think i said "oh S**t, before he hit me and she turned to look at me. wondering what was wrong, tweaked her neck and shoulder.

Explorer goes to the body shop today. You dont have to do the 3 estimate shuffle any longer, at least with Progressive.
360 Scamp,
... what about a Class 1 hitch?? Are you suppossed to unbolt the hitch while it is not in use?
Another law that was written without common sense applied.
As far as I know it only applies to the type that can be removed and is held in place with a pin.
every truck I own has the hitch in all the time. I never knew about that law and will continue to pretend I don't. hope everything is ok and she gets better soon
Thanks everyone, she is feeling better today, the dr gave her ummm... percoset last night and some other stuff. Got the rental car today, a new Kia Spectra, we are styling now. Wonder if i can put a trailer hitch on it.
I really know how you feel. This was me (my Mini) on 3/6/09


94 Exploder. Would have had to have both QPs replaced, the hatch, hatch hinges (which are welded to the roof), glass, floor pan, paint, bodywork, etc. And it would've never been right.
Wow, he warped the floor pan? My neighbor had a new 300C that got hit right on the drivers side, in front of the drvers door, by a F-350 doing 35. They had to total it because it warped the firewall.
Now that is flat scary in a Cooper !

I can imagine what the Explorer looks like.... proba alot like the one my "X" plowed into the back of....

Make sure the wife sees a Chiro and gets that all paid for like the next few years by the crashers insurance !!!!!!!
