GTS Stripe tape coming up



Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
Reaction score
Lindenhurst NY
I noticed that a small 1/16" section of my GTS tape stripe is coming up from the trunk lid. It's white on an F3 body so it's tough to mess with it.

Any suggestions on how to get it "glued" back down without ripping or stretching it?

It is not responding to me simpoly trying to press it back down with my finger tip.
if the tape is not brittle then you might be able to use super glue(very sparingly) on it. clean the paint surface with a prep cleaner to remove any wax or silicone. It's iffy anyway.
The super glue might work but you only get one shot at it and if you get any of it on the finish or whatever it is your applying the pressure with to push the stripe down, it will pull it up as you lift up. If it was me, I think I would be inclined to use a less agressive type of glue that will let you squish out the excess before it sets up which super glue will not let you do. Believe it or not I think a very thin coat of Elmers glue on an area as small as you describe might work plus you can wipe off the excess before it dries with no harm done!. Also did you try a hair dryer on low heat to soften the remaining glue that might still be on the stripe and see if it will stick back down. I had a similar issue with my Swinger stripe and got it to lay down and stick. Just be sure not to hold the dryer to close to the stripe or it will begin to shrink. Just go back and forth with the dryer as to not get the area to hot and remember..low heat!

Good Luck!
Thanks guys.

I'll give the hair dryer a shot first and failing that the Elmer's