Guys Im sick....

O,K Im calm now. I can read the posts without tears now.

Im overwhelmed by the responses guys. I had no idea ..

I ahve hesitated since finding out my diagnosis,about telling anyone. I am one step closer to tellling my kids now.

My wife knows. She has M.S too. She is the whole reason I got tested. I was having lots of oddball stuff going on and I think she knew.

My eldest brother knows. I phoned and told him. He doesnt have a lot of patience with it,thinks that it must be something im eating or doing.

I told my Dad,but he's 76 and doesnt even remember now..

My greivance officer at the Union hall knows. Was instrumental in helping me get sick leave. Is a wonderful caring guy with a ton of empathy. He himself was on sick leave.He fell at the smelter one day and cut his elbow. The cut got infected. The infection turned into flesh eating disease. He survived the surgery and is a tough strong man because of it. And union guys get abused for thier higher wages...why? Dont even go there with me. Im living proof as far as Im concerned that the higher wages are justified. We get exposed to a lot of crap an engineer or phd never has to deal with. Sorry guys,I dont want to start an arguement. Just venting..

I have a feeling that this M.S is related somehow to the toxins and heavy metals at work,combined with vitamin D defficiency.

If you research where the majority of M.S cases lye,you will find they are global but mostly northern european,Northern United States and Southern Canada. There is a belt that runs around the world and it is focused on the industrialised,polluted nations that dont get a lot of sunlight.Case studies have shown you are more likely to get M.S if you are of Northen European descent,however you could move to Canada from Brazil and get it. Which means it's also environmental. Vitamin D is produced in the skin of our bodies when the sun turns it pink from exposure. The less exposure you have,the less D you get.

Anyways,thanks so much.

Those of you with kids and loved ones ill,please keep them close to your hearts. Love and thanks to all...and especially you God.
Having some expirence with serious illiness I would like to give you the following thoughts. Stay positive. It is the best piece if advise I can give. When you get down (mad) turn that in to positive energy. Break things down into small doable tasks. Small tasks completed give confidence rather than looking at the big picture and maybe not being able to make the kind of progress you want. As for the kids you don't say how old they are. but if I were in there shoes I would want to know. If they know together you can make the most of what you can do.

If there is one thing I learned being in this hobby its that you have more friend that you every would have thought.

Best wishes.
Sorry to read that you aren't well.

Get stronger and take the best care of yourself as possible.

Take care.
Man sorry to hear it... can't imagine what it's like and hopefully won't ever find out. Good luck to you...
Sorry to hear this Resto. I too know how debilitating it is to loose your strength and become unable to do things because 4 yrs. ago I started having back problems and was told I have advanced Multi level degenerative disc disease. I have 3 discs badly deteriorated in the middle of my back and 1 in the bottom bulging and pressing on the spinal cord and 1 in the neck bulging and pressing on the spinal cord and since I had so many problems they couldn't do anything so I would have to just live with the pain. Within a year I went from being able to lift 250 lbs to my chest to only being able to lift 50-75 lbs with pain. Now I'm down too being able to lift less than 50 lbs with immediate bad pain and live everyday taking 2-3 Vicodin along with 2 arthritis pills, 1-2 Aleeve, and 4-8 Ibuprofen to keep pain to a moderate level. Also have to take medicine for my stomach because all the pain meds are eating it up. I'm only 45 and still love to work on my stuff but it takes me a week to get a couple hrs of work done. I was a forklift mechanic so alot of heavy lifting was required and since I could no longer do the lifting I was fired of my job of 11 yrs. Luckily I had a disability insurance plan so I have some income. Just enough to get by. I'll say stay positive and hope the docs can find you some help but I know I've tried to be positive through this whole thing of mine and it's alot easier said than done.
Sorry to hear this Resto. I too know how debilitating it is to loose your strength and become unable to do things because 4 yrs. ago I started having back problems and was told I have advanced Multi level degenerative disc disease. I have 3 discs badly deteriorated in the middle of my back and 1 in the bottom bulging and pressing on the spinal cord and 1 in the neck bulging and pressing on the spinal cord and since I had so many problems they couldn't do anything so I would have to just live with the pain. Within a year I went from being able to lift 250 lbs to my chest to only being able to lift 50-75 lbs with pain. Now I'm down too being able to lift less than 50 lbs with immediate bad pain and live everyday taking 2-3 Vicodin along with 2 arthritis pills, 1-2 Aleeve, and 4-8 Ibuprofen to keep pain to a moderate level. Also have to take medicine for my stomach because all the pain meds are eating it up. I'm only 45 and still love to work on my stuff but it takes me a week to get a couple hrs of work done. I was a forklift mechanic so alot of heavy lifting was required and since I could no longer do the lifting I was fired of my job of 11 yrs. Luckily I had a disability insurance plan so I have some income. Just enough to get by. I'll say stay positive and hope the docs can find you some help but I know I've tried to be positive through this whole thing of mine and it's alot easier said than done.

Yes,the psycological battle is huge. Im taking something that helps and doesnt really affect me otherwise.Works quite well actually. As does vitamin D I take about 4000 IU a day.Seems to be helping.Energy level is still the *****,but Im happier,lol.
I am so sorry to hear about your condition. I am impressed with the wonderful support you are getting on this site, I hope that it can continue to give you support and even some pleasure. It has to be exteremely difficult sharing this with others but you've already started and have even told us about it, like others I would like to see you share this information with your children, I can't imagine what it would be like to tell them and you may want to talk to a professional about the best way to do this. I pray for the best for you and your family.
Yes,the psycological battle is huge. Im taking something that helps and doesnt really affect me otherwise.Works quite well actually. As does vitamin D I take about 4000 IU a day.Seems to be helping.Energy level is still the *****,but Im happier,lol.

Yep, know what ya mean. Glad you have something to help. I also take vitamin D as well as a few other supplements and Ativan it helps some.

Since MS is a neurological disease it wouldn't surprise me if your right about some of the stuff you used in the past may have caused it. Some of the stuff on the markets today is really nasty and alot of times we're forced to use it.
Ah man that really sucks, but try and keep your spirits up, we're here for you and like cuda chick said over 18,000 shoulders should help somewhere.
Yep, know what ya mean. Glad you have something to help. I also take vitamin D as well as a few other supplements and Ativan it helps some.

Since MS is a neurological disease it wouldn't surprise me if your right about some of the stuff you used in the past may have caused it. Some of the stuff on the markets today is really nasty and alot of times we're forced to use it.

Yes,I suspect one of the primers I extensively used in the past has at least something to do with it. It contained strontium,a known messer upper of all things neurological. I was heavy into bodywork for a whille,and many times I'd have no warning from the idiot in the next bay. Next thing you know you have a lung full of primer.

Some of the guys like to breath that crap in. It gets them stoned.

Not me.

Guys,I believe your positive thoughts and prayers are working. I had a much better day today. It actually started yesterday around 4:30. I was able to get out to a fellow mopar buddies place and snap some pics of his latest finds. Still need to upload them though. No a bodies, he likes em big (c bods) and also has a 76 power wagon firetruck with 32 000 miles on all factory all working 440 running gear. 1 ton and 4x4 to boot! This thing is cool..

I also got the vans oil changed at the local Walmart. A really nice guy named Dennis saved me $10 on it by telling me to buy the synthetic that was on sale and also to have walmart supply the oil filte for $2 less than I could get it off the shelf.

Normally I do the oil changes on all my vehicles,but this one is warranteed until Im a bag of shite still. Hanging around wallyworld for an hour just killed me.

Maybe all I needed was your support.

I am still overwhelmed by your outpouring of sympathy and you people are living proof that brotherly love is still alive.

God knows you all are in my thoughts every day and I love you all for wanting to help.

I know I am not alone. That is huge for me.

I feel closer to god than I have in along time. I was raised religeous but have drifted a long time. I still believe,but no longer question. There is no point in crying "why me?" at the heavens. Instead I now say"why not me?"..

All I can say is I am extra special now. Not for the disease that is my curse,but for my new found faith and ability to cope with it.

That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

Maybe that is gods plan for me....

Love and prayers for all...

And thank you my friends.
Excellent news to start my day. Glad to hear you're in a much better place. Your writing style is very good I am sure you are helping others who read about your experience. It's true you can turn any negative into a positive. The prayers or positive energy or whatever you want to call it really work, I know because I'm living proof. Hang in there, some days will be easier than others. Just always be willing to ask for help.
My children..Oh god,please give me the strength. They deserve to know but I havent the heart to break thiers. I have kept them very close to my heart,and I have a deep and abiding love for them. I want to protect them from this. But it hurts when I cant explain why Im in pain,tired, or cant play with them.


Look, I'm just some schmuck from out on the net, so take this for what you want.

You cannot protect your kids from everything. You CAN give them honesty and values, no matter what condition you are in. Kids are incredibly resilient. They deserve to know what you are going through, so that they can develop an understanding of how to help you, and how life kicks the good guy in the head sometimes. I could go on, but here it is in a nutshell:

Your kids will be bEtter people for knowing, and bItter people if they find out from the wrong sources, or after you are gone.

The main bond you have with your kids is love and trust. If you need help telling them, get someone outside the family involved, like a Pastor.

I'll never forget the conversation we had with my dad the day he announced that he had bone cancer. He told us flat out that the docs figured 6 months, 12 months tops. My only question to him was, "Are ya gonna prove them wrong?" When he said yes, I knew that the rest was in God's hands, through the doctors and Dad's resolve.

I'd have had many questions if Dad had disappeared for days on end (hospital stays) and lost clumps of his beard (which he symbolically refused to shave off) or stopped being able to lift anything more than a gallon jug of milk.

The other thing you must watch out for, and I don't know what causes it or how it develops, but don't resent people for their health. Dad did this, and was, for me, nearly impossible to deal with. My brother (who has Muscular Dystrophy, another neuro-muscular disease) had no problem with him. I'm not saying it'll happen to you, but if it does, be willing to apologize and help that person understand you. It makes for better lives all the way around.

Dad stretched his 6 months to 6 years. His last good conversation (prior to the last chemo protocol) with me was... well, here:

He wanted to get involved in another project, but felt he wouldn't be able to get it done. The project meant a lot to him, but he knew he might not live that long. I said, "Dad, do you think God observes your schedule and won't call until you are done?" No. "Do yo think God would stop you from living a full life, or is that in your hands? That is my decision. "Well Dad, I think you need to go start that project."
thank you my friend. May your father find strength as I have. I will say a prayer for him.

I agree with you about telling the kids.

I need time to set up an appintment with a couselling service. It will get done and as carefully and lovingly as possible. My kids are my world and I must be sure to do and say the right things. My mental state is not great so I need to be carefull.They will need reassurance that Im not going anywhere,not dying and I am just a little slower and more tired.

I can only deal with so much stress. It sets off attacks and makes me worse.

That is why Im not working. My job is very dangerous,physical and management puts undue stress on us with crazy expectations and workloads.

I was hanging in there and doing O.K until they wanted to place me on nightshifts. This I know I cannot do. Last time I did them under protest, and was to tired to function. I caught a nap and did not meet a quota. I was disciplined. Get enough disciple and I could loose my job.

Now they know at work and understand. As long as I keep seeing my
doc( who is wonderfull) I will be taken care of.

M.S is VERY common here,so they dont even need me to expain what is going on. we actually have a much higher rate here,and there is a large smelter here. Go figure...
Your best weapons against this are, as noted before, a good attitude, and knowledge. Arm yourself with knowledge to understand whats happening, help you make decisions with the doctor, be ble to ask good questions when the Doc prescribes something, and more.

My Dad did all this. I may not have been clear in my last post, but Dad died in 1998. Unfortunately, (and this is why I mentioned it) Dad and I spoke very little. This was because of the resentment he felt over his health versus mine. It manifested itself in situations where he felt I should know what he needed or wanted without being told. It was very hard to deal with. I set up an intermediary session with his pastor. Dad wasn't having any of it, and things didn't work out well. I live with it because I know I did my best, and it is what it is. I cannot change it. Everyone else CAN learn from what happened to my Dad and I in that relationship, and so I pass it along.

From what you say, you definitely are stronger, I salute you!

May MS suffer from YOU, not the other way around!

That said, most of my parts are for stock Darts, and I'm still sorting out what I need and what I have from the move last summer. BUT, if you come across some obscure part you need, post it here or PM me, I may have it stashed around here.
Thanks max340. I am feeling a bit better. Exhausted as always. Likely to trip over my own feet,or compound my frustration by forgetting something. But thats life with M.S. You learn to slow down and be more meticulous.

My trade transaction to swap my cop car is nearly complete. He is getting a hell of a deal. This cop car has 80-90% 240/60/15 all round on 15x7 cop rims with vented caps. REbuilt trans with stage 2 B&M shift kit. All th heavy duty cop car stuff,plus an FBO ign and eddie carb. New gas tank etc etc..great daily driver and handles awesome.Crappy gas mileage but you cant have it all,huh?

Anyway,the sum of the parts is worth more than the asking price of the car ($800). I figure selling the rims and caps would fetch about $250 300,eddie carb another $125,then theres the brakes,sway bars FBO ign etc etc. But its more energy than I have. At least the car will stay local,get driven and then resold to another buddy of mine.It will be in good hands. Everybody wins...I take a big it on the car,but thats the way with cars and parts...

Im sure that once I get going on the Dart I'll find I need this or that. And get going I will. Im not gonna lay down and die for M.S,or any friggin annoying crap. I'll just pace myself. I will post for parts as it arises.

My apologies on not fully understanding your first post. Im fuzzy sometimes...
My hart is warmer reading your post needsaresto 8)
You are being blest with faith and your own strong mind of how to deal with this, I have been blest by this site to keep me going everyday, Like you I am a go getter and enjoy a busy day :cheers:. But things has changed and I have learned to keep a smile on and do one thing at a time and just keep the big picture in mind, I find myself hiding here to let my family see I am happy, But I know it is hard to look outside and want to go do something when you know it just can't happen, So I go out side and mowe a small area and walk as much as I can to get fresh air in my lungs. My first year was the worst becouse I would forget that something was wrong and do something like grab a floor jack and move to fast grabbing it and then down I would go for two ta three days, The third day being the worse, But during therapy and a couple few years later I have excepted that I just have to be smart and try and smile and make the family around me happy.
Keep your chin up and let the folks here know when you are in need of parts for your Dart or even just an ear bud.
I am here most of my time and I hope you are having a good day with all things considered. Your strength strengthens me resto, Thank you.:happy10:
My hart is warmer reading your post needsaresto 8)
You are being blest with faith and your own strong mind of how to deal with this, I have been blest by this site to keep me going everyday, Like you I am a go getter and enjoy a busy day :cheers:. But things has changed and I have learned to keep a smile on and do one thing at a time and just keep the big picture in mind, I find myself hiding here to let my family see I am happy, But I know it is hard to look outside and want to go do something when you know it just can't happen, So I go out side and mowe a small area and walk as much as I can to get fresh air in my lungs. My first year was the worst becouse I would forget that something was wrong and do something like grab a floor jack and move to fast grabbing it and then down I would go for two ta three days, The third day being the worse, But during therapy and a couple few years later I have excepted that I just have to be smart and try and smile and make the family around me happy.
Keep your chin up and let the folks here know when you are in need of parts for your Dart or even just an ear bud.
I am here most of my time and I hope you are having a good day with all things considered. Your strength strengthens me resto, Thank you.:happy10:

We compliment each other then! You do the same for me. Any time you post ,I have to read it...thankyou for being here.
Thanks max340. I am feeling a bit better. Exhausted as always. Likely to trip over my own feet,or compound my frustration by forgetting something. But thats life with M.S. You learn to slow down and be more meticulous.

My trade transaction to swap my cop car is nearly complete. He is getting a hell of a deal. This cop car has 80-90% 240/60/15 all round on 15x7 cop rims with vented caps. REbuilt trans with stage 2 B&M shift kit. All th heavy duty cop car stuff,plus an FBO ign and eddie carb. New gas tank etc etc..great daily driver and handles awesome.Crappy gas mileage but you cant have it all,huh?

Anyway,the sum of the parts is worth more than the asking price of the car ($800). I figure selling the rims and caps would fetch about $250 300,eddie carb another $125,then theres the brakes,sway bars FBO ign etc etc. But its more energy than I have. At least the car will stay local,get driven and then resold to another buddy of mine.It will be in good hands. Everybody wins...I take a big it on the car,but thats the way with cars and parts...

Im sure that once I get going on the Dart I'll find I need this or that. And get going I will. Im not gonna lay down and die for M.S,or any friggin annoying crap. I'll just pace myself. I will post for parts as it arises.

My apologies on not fully understanding your first post. Im fuzzy sometimes...

Not a problem. Even us healthy guys look at the situation and decide we have to part with a car. I got rid of an 81 Doba, I loved that car. But it had to go. I have three Darts, and less time with a kid and a new home. We all have limiting factors.
Went and saw the Doc today. He had me drop my pants and looked at my legs.

The left leg has muscle wasting,as does my left arm.

I've bben so low today.

I bought some thing from the vitamin store called co q 10. Supposed to help.

The doc had me get over $100 in scrips today.

Thank goodness we have Blue Cross. I'll get some of it back.

Thats the way I am though. Really up and down.

Did anybody see my thread about swapping brake systems in the wanted section?

Thought I'd give it a shameless plug.
Did anybody see my thread about swapping brake systems in the wanted section?

No I did not, But I will take a peek.
Hey Needsaresto, good luck on your brake swap. Something I need to do too. Stopping Goldie is a lot like stopping a sailboat.

Just sending you positive energy, when you're feeling down you know before too long you'll be back up again. We're here for ya...