Ha, what a find.

X2.... cool elephant! AND..... I really don't understand why my religious beliefs disturb anyone???
Good question , jews been asking that question for thousands of years , no real good answers , church sure came up with a few solutions over the centuries though

Hope I discover something as interesting if I ever dig up my backyard
Working the Natural Gas camps in Northern BC, here lots of these being found up there. Almost anyone working a shovel, backhoe, or excavator has found one.
being the only source of raw ivory left legally in the world, mammoth ivory is a good investment, plus, look how much is in a tusk!
i wonder if anyone considered getting MSU out there instead of UofM?
everyone knows MSU has the better agricultural program
and football
and basketball
oh, and their COM is great, I don't think UofM even has a osteopathic medicine program

lol yea I was Going to Say "How is that thing 15.000 years old when the Earth is 5000?" But I don't want to upset a Fundamentalist Christian.

hey, that would be me

no worries though, I don't get upset easy (but when I do, be careful, i'll send my Father after you) :D
lol, i cant believe i had to make it to page two before that got brought up
I'm trying to figure out how you determined the Earth is 5,000
years old.....

if you look at the genealogies in the Bible, you can count back, from Jesus, to Adam, you get roughly 4000 years
add the 2000 years since Christ was born and your sitting about 6000 years

most fundamental Christians will say that the creation week was a week of 7 literal days, and without going into an argument about the gap theory, they will say the earth is about 6000 years old

you can find an interesting article on it here

and don't be shy to shoot me a PM if you would like to discuss this a bit more in debt :)