
Wow !! Yall have some great looking friends,
Macadoo! your first picture looks like my Maltese "Boogie"
she is 4 and has not been spade. they need to hook up.:love7:

GTXperience! I love watching those great dog's work.
The rancher next door has a pair just like yours.:tongue9:
I think they have a nitrous system built in them when you see them kick it in high speed.=D>

Mullinax !Hershey has got to be a great lab,:colors: I have had a few, But not a good looker like yours.
Look at those eye's! ready for anything,:toothy7:
I could not carry anything to the truck with out Maxi jumping in the back.
A black full blooded female lab I had tears ago.8)
O.K. Now you've got me started.

First one is one of my older yeller Labs with a new black Lab puppy.

Next one is my rabbit dog........:)

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OK, now I got an excuse to post my dogs! :cheers: It's amazing how fast they grow up. The first pic of Turbo she was about 9 weeks old, second pic she was 14 weeks, third pic she was 6 months and the last pic she's 8 months.

The last pic is my rottie mix, Maxie, looking regal. I don't know what she's mixed with but she's smart as hell.

Both dogs were adopted from the Dumb Friends League here in Denver.





Wow ramcharger!! I seen Turbo when you first got her.

She is BEAUTIFUL:love7::cheers:
You must be a good master.

He did grow up fast, It just seems a couple mouth ago when I seen the fist picture of her.
Maxie looks like the boss!! 8)
O.K. Now you've got me started.

First one is one of my older yeller Labs with a new black Lab puppy.

Next one is my rabbit dog........:)

It sure would be a pleasure to own one of your pups myself.
I will be looking for one this coming spring and fill that empty spot
I have know.
Thanks Sid!! They are beautiful.

The rabbit dog has me worried though.:sign5:
Wow ramcharger!! I seen Turbo when you first got her.

She is BEAUTIFUL:love7::cheers:
You must be a good master.

He did grow up fast, It just seems a couple mouth ago when I seen the fist picture of her.
Maxie looks like the boss!! 8)

Thanks Mike! Turbo is very pretty dog and tall enough to scratch my face when she jumps up. Still trying to break that bad habit but she's still a pup even though she looks full grown.

Maxie is the boss, no doubt. Definitely the alpha female even though Turbo is big enough to take her out if she wanted. Maxie has that killer instinct whereas Turbo is just really a sweet dog.

Oldvart, that rabbit dog has me a little worried too, lol! Looks kinda like a genetic experiment gone wrong. Your labs are very good looking BTW.

Everyone has some good looking canines here. It seems a lot of car guys are dog guys too, and take as good care of their pets as they do their cars.
Thanks Mike!

I remember when you first got Turbo.....she is a beautiful dog!
GTXperience! I love watching those great dog's work.
The rancher next door has a pair just like yours.:tongue9:
I think they have a nitrous system built in them when you see them kick it in high speed.=D>

Mike, they absolutely have a need to work/have a job. Otherwise, they go crazy. It is amazing to see these two herd all the other dogs when we take them to the dog parks. We don't live on a ranch or anything close to it but there is a ranch we visit that's sole purpose is to let herding dogs like ours work/herd barnyard animals (mainly sheep). It is great fun to see them do what they were meant to. Border Collies are known for their dead stares and that is how they herd animals - by mesmerizing them with their stares (not to mention the heel nipping). ;-)
I remember when you first got Turbo.....she is a beautiful dog!

Thanks! We get compliments quite a bit, even walking through the park. At the shelter we were told she was a Shepherd mix but I think she's full blood GSD of the true German style. She's still growing too. Here's another pic of Turbo looking goofy.

Your Chocholate Lab is a really a looker too! That'll probably be our next breed once these guys pass. Hard to think about right now though.....


My mother went to Ireland and saw some Border Collies do their stuff, all on whistle commands. She said it was quite amazing.

My fiance' and I went to the National Western Stock Show this weekend and tried to see the herding dog competition but we were too late. Hope to see it next year.
Well I got to post a picture of my sweetheart, "Roxy" my best buddy. I,m always excited to get home from work cuz I know this little gal is waiting for me.

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Well I got to post a picture of my sweetheart, "Roxy" my best buddy. I,m always excited to get home from work cuz I know this little gal is waiting for me.

I'm claiming we need to have a Mopar/Border Collie get-together. Granted, there may only be two of us but what the heck. Roxy is a beautiful looking Border.
Wow Sparky!! Roxy sure is a looker.:angel9:
that fluffy tail makes me think she has some husky in her
the bandanna is a good touch too.:thumbrig:

Tell the gardener the petunias look nice too.8)
Memike, you nailed it, she is 1/4 husky, just enough to chill her out a bit because anybody who owns a border collie knows they can be pretty active. That pic was taken two years ago, she is 11 now and starting to get a little arthritic,(just like me) so we have her on well flex and it seems to be helping.
I got to tell you guys I have checked this thread out a ton of times, all the dogs are gorgeous and its great seeing how happy they are hanging with their families and smiling for the camera. The only problem I have with Roxy is that she is a tad smarter than me, she has us rapped around her paw!!:profilel:
Those are the Monster in Laws flowers.

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Monster inlaw!! :cheers: A new one on me sparky:profilel: