Hardly believable



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Sounds to me like the cops are being lazy and assuming you are too dumb or scared to follow up or seek out real legal advice.

however, the reason I asked if there was damage is that would be worth pursuing further and isn't ignorable.
Sounds to me like the cops are being lazy and assuming you are too dumb or scared to follow up or seek out real legal advice.

however, the reason I asked if there was damage is that would be worth pursuing further and isn't ignorable.

I actually had something kind of like that happen in my truck. (and yes, they don't want to do their job and it has always seemed that way.)

They had just graveled the roads and the posted speed limit was 15 on the fresh gravel but some A hole doing 60-70 passed a couple of us going the other way and it put two rock cracks in my windshield, one in the left headlight and one clear through my front signal lens. (speed limit was normally 45 anyway) not 60-70.
I turned around and took a picture of his truck and license plate at the next light, but they wouldn't do anything about that either. "Serve and protect" my ***.
I even asked them if doing 4 times the posted speed limit wasn't enough, but they said it was what they called an accident and there was nothing they would do.

I swear, they don't want you looking out for yourself any more either.
They want you to just take it, and if you show signs of not liking what your getting dealt then they pull the road rage card on you.
They never seem to take into account that some ******** caused it, and I'm more of a "You pay to play" type.
Now days it seems everyone wants to play but cry to the cops when it's time to pay.
Sorry to hear that TrailBeast. I know how you feel. I actually had something very similar happen about 5 years ago. I was driving on a two lane road posted at 45mph which had a big center turn lane and some idiot in a souped up Honda apparently didn't feel I was going fast enough so he blew past me by pulling into that center turn lane and shot gravel up all over my car breaking my windshield. I was super pissed and tried to chase him down but he ran a red light and shot onto the freeway. I did get his license though to report him to the police for whatever good it would do. its not like they will show up at his house and ticket him from blowing a red light if they didn't witness it,but I felt I should at least try.
Its sad but there are tons of idiots out there who bring nothing but misery into the lives of innocent people simply trying to go about their day and get from point a to point b. the police are usually of little use and if you were to resort to re-educating him with a tire iron you'd be the guy to go to jail. you cant win.
I have nothing but old cars,so I always worry whenever I am on the road that someone will do something stupid.