Hate Mondays



Apr 15, 2008
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Just found out from my job(school system) that they didnt put me on 26 pays so i won't get paid through the summer so I am gonna be behind on some bills as I don't have the money I thought I would have. That is gonna be bad I have never been behind on bills before. What can I do??? I am just having a really really bad day just thinking about it. This summer is gonna suck for me and my 2 kids as I won't be able to do anything fun with them with NO MONEY. Sorry to be so negative. Just needed to let it out as I am very sad about the situation and looking for some advice as how to make it better for my kids. Hate to have to tell them they can't do something because of the mess up from my job.

I hear ya flmopars Being broke and wanting to give your children a good time and paying your bills on time when you are used to having what you need to keep life going as normal as possible can be hard.
It seems when I have money difficulties a rummage sale and do a few simple jobs here and there, mowing yards and take on a waiters job if you have good people skills at a place that tip's alone can pay the bills.
Keep a smile on and be happy that you have your health and family
Have you ever been a counterman at a auto supply business, I remember NAPA taking me in while I was in bad shape and did stock and delivered part's then moved up to a counterman when one of there countermen went to school.
My oldest son makes a little extra cash refereeing ball games for the base ball teams
I hope something falls in your path looking for a job
Yes I did and that isnt anywhere near the amount I need to make it through the summer until I get paid in September