Haven't been around here much.....



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
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Hey guys and gals, I haven't been around the site much lately. I have been going through some funky realationship stuff with my wife and it has been the focal point for me since it all started. You know, the same old stuff, money, relationship stuff, emotional feelings, etc. In the last 2 1/2 months I have hardly done anything with my car stuff, hardly even taken the Valiant out for a 100+mph blast! I guess I realized how important my family life is, I love my wife, and we have a beautiful daughter that is my world. I guess I have got too comfortable with us and let some other important things slip away, & that really hurt my wife, and that's not good. I have learned a lot, & I won't let her feel that again. I am sure other's here have been through this before, it can be a tough learning experience. I am sorry if this is a boring topic or if you think it's lame I even mentioned it, but I just wanted to get this off my chest. Plus, this site is great, & I know there are a lot of people here I can call my friends, so thanks for reading this!
At least you were able to salvage your relationship. If only I was as good at fixing my own relationships as I was at fixing old cars and bikes.

Good on you for taking care of business. You're sure not bugging me by venting and I think it's pretty cool you can do that here without getting jumped on.

Good luck!

Hey, mine walked with the janitor at her office before I even knew we had a problem. That was 18 years ago....at least you were paying attention enough to see it coming. Good luck, your on the right path.
Good on you for taking care of business. You're sure not bugging me by venting and I think it's pretty cool you can do that here without getting jumped on.

Times two. Good that you were able to focus on what is really important and get things sorted out. Good luck staying on track!

Thanks guys for the kind words. We have been together since aug 2001, married for 4 years. It is tough to talk about but it really helps, I just know I don't want to to lose her. Again, thanks!
glad to hear its working out. a cheap flower or even a candy bar when you come home from work lets them know youre thinking about them. good luck.
glad to hear its working out. a cheap flower or even a candy bar when you come home from work lets them know youre thinking about them. good luck.


It's the little things that count.....Good luck 340sedan...........:cheers:
Yup, lots of cards, flowers too. I have always gotten flowers for her, just more lately. The little things are probably the most important!
Glad to hear you and your family are doing good my friend.:rock:
Me and Treva, Well all is good:-D but we have had some rocky roads to cross
bar footed in the past 29 years :clock: So I am glad you are taking care or your realationship stuff with your wife and it has been the focal point lately and
keeping all of that part of your life strong.
You are a great person to share this with us and I can see that we all have
been there one time or another. :colors:
I hope you and your family have a great day and a better one tomorrow bud.
Treva likes Reece cups and a big smile,:toothy10:

Oh !!! And the trash taken out too.:toothy7:

Your friend Mike.
Yup, lots of cards, flowers too. I have always gotten flowers for her, just more lately. The little things are probably the most important!

Yep, for some reason little things mean a lot to our beloved females. In a lot of ways my marriage is not perfect, but I never let a day go by without letting Mary know that she is the most important part of my life (hope the Valiant don't find out about that). It's working so far. Glad you woke up in time.
Yup you got your priorities straight and many times small things every so often is all it takes to let them know you care. The valiant will always be there! Sometimes you have to make the time and take the time to balance things out. Then they don't seem to mind if you want an evening or two with your mistress valiant. We all have been there at least you caught it in time to keep them both!! Good luck!
Everything will work out in the end. Couldn't imagine FABO without you around. Your car is my favorite on here, I have been looking for a valiant to build like yours. There are a couple on here but so far away. Good luck with everything. I'm 32 and have been married for 13 years to the love of my life. Couldn't imagine life without her. Everything always works itself out.
Sounds like you've got your priorities straight! Hope it all works out for you!
Just remember she is the only relative you were able to choose. Let's just say you are a good judge of character so she must be a good one as mine is and sometimes us guys have a tendancy to get caught up in everyday life and ignore those we love so dearly. I do the flowers from time to time when they least expect it and sometime just stand in the kitchen and stare at her and when she ask what are you looking at just tell her....The hotest woman in this town. When you go out to eat ask her how it feels to be the best looking woman in the place. You've done the right thing. She's probably worth it. Don't throw it away.
Work hard for her. Keep her for you, for her, and for your kid. I lost mine after 9 years of what I thought was a wonderful relationship. She walked on me. We have two wonderful young daughters together and I am slowly watching them transform into a split family and I HATE every damn minute of watching them turn into something they shouldnt. So bravo for you for owning up and making it right. I pray that it lasts forever for ya.

Hey Keith, I know you are a great guy so I hope that things keep getting better for you!! Finding that balance between home life, work, hobbies, etc isnt the easiest thing at times thats for sure. I think the fact that you are man enough to get on here and talk about it is a very good thing. Best of luck and you know if you ever need anyone to talk to just let me know!
I'm not married yet, but DAMN I'm impressed you were able to come onto FABO and express yourself, what you're feeling, whats happening in your life to everyone reading on here. Takes a lot of courage to come forwards out of the shell to ask for help. Good on ya.
My wife wanted to go to the movie "Fireproof" so I took her. It's about fireproofing your marriage. I've been married for 26yrs. & us guys tend to take our women for granted. The movie reminded me its the little things that count. I highly recommend the movie.
im not married but i tell ya that i almost lost my girlfriend of 2 years to the scamp....like everyone says, its easy to take the women for granted, and im glad i caught things with my relationship in time before it ended for good...im a long way from marriage, but shes definatly a special one that i dont want to lose....Family is the most important thing in life, and if that means putting on hold your 66, it doesnt matter...i remember when i was young my neighbour with a nova told me- when you wake up in the morning, your car might still there, but your woman may not....never let that happen...family first always....glad to hear you have worked things out and i hope everything goes well for ya