Having a Baby tomorrow!



Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Muncy, PA
Well, my wife and I had another appointment today and they said that the baby was fully cooked and it was time to let her out! We just got to the room in the hospital and if everything goes as planned we will be parents sometime tomorrow. I really lucked out cause the hospital has wireless internet so I can still cruise FABO with my limited amount of spare time! I'll keep yall posted.
I didn't know you were pregnant!!! 8) Keep us posted and good luck!:cheers:
Yup, first one. Starting to get pretty excited now that things are happening. I would say that by tomorrow afternoon it should be done.
I knew there was a bun in the oven here some where.:cheers:
Update us on you again 71DartGuy, How many children do you have?
Some one here is about to have a baby girl and already has two girls.
I hope everything go's well. :angel10:
And don't worry about your wife she will be fine.

How are you? hart rate up a bit. :D

All I got was two rotten boys that are 25 and 27 now.
Naw!! they are good boys.
I knew there was a bun in the oven here some where.:cheers:
Update us on you again 71DartGuy, How many children do you have?
Some one here is about to have a baby girl and already has two girls.
I hope everything go's well. :angel10:
And don't worry about your wife she will be fine.

How are you? hart rate up a bit. :D

All I got was two rotten boys that are 25 and 27 now.
Naw!! they are good boys.

This will be the first one Mike. She's a little girl, Laura Ann, name after my mother in law who passed away 4 1/2 years ago. I'm still pretty calm but I'm sure that will all change tomorrow. Wifes doing great so far, shes a tough one and I think she'll do great!
There is not a better feeling in the world then the day your child is born, enjoy...
I just realized our room number is 440!!!!! nice.
Now that is to cool:cheers: If its the kind of numbers that will come off, that would go home with me.hehe.:drinkers:
Yeah Memike....talking about me again huh?

Congrats 71Dartguy! To the most important people, I am known as Daddy and I get Hug's and Kisses from (3) women almost everytime I walk out/in the door! You'll love being a Dad. I always swore I never wanted kids, but once the wifey had the first one, I knew I would be a Dad to multiple kiddos in the future.

(2) Girls and (1) girl due 10/19/08 = 3 little girls!!! OMG...everyone says "your gonna need Rogaine in the next 10 years" I say "nah, just a couple extra boxes of 12GA shells".

We are naming our baby, Katie Ray.

Congrats Again!!!

Yeah Memike....talking about me again huh?

Congrats 71Dartguy! To the most important people, I am known as Daddy and I get Hug's and Kisses from (3) women almost everytime I walk out/in the door! You'll love being a Dad. I always swore I never wanted kids, but once the wifey had the first one, I knew I would be a Dad to multiple kiddos in the future.

(2) Girls and (1) girl due 10/19/08 = 3 little girls!!! OMG...everyone says "your gonna need Rogaine in the next 10 years" I say "nah, just a couple extra boxes of 12GA shells".

We are naming our baby, Katie Ray.

Congrats Again!!!


Thanks for reminding me Prine. It is hard to keep up and remember,
Katie Ray will have a great daddy prine, Sorry I forgot who it was.

my grand daughter's name in Macy Ray. :cheers: cool.

If I am going to talk about anyone it may as well be you :poke::mrgreen:
Congrats 71dartguy Its an awesome feeling. I just had a little girl 6 months ago and she is one of the best things to ever happen to me along with my wife and step daughter. Just a little advice though Your wife is probably going to scream some and it most likely will get a little nervewracking but when your daughter comes you will forget all about the worries for your wife and daughter. Honestly its all more than worth it. I just feel sorry for the women it sure looks painful I dont know if i could do it (Dont tell my wife i said that though:toothy10::toothy10:) Again congrats your life will never be the same and thats not a bad thing this time. Justin
Congrat's, I think you better warn the wifey that it may be a bigblock!! Take care of them both in the coming days and you will be repaid again and again. Now get off the damn internet and get some ice chips!!!!.....o.k. maybe tomorrow on the ice chips.
Congrats! I never had time to surf the net with either birth of my two girls. My wife didn't waste any time and just had them, the last within two hours of our arrival at the hospital. I deliverd the second one myself, but I still didn't get a discount.
I bet 71DartGuy is on pins and needles know!
Having your first child sure can be a great day.

ps How is your hart rate now!!
I hope you are carefull about what you say in the delivery room.

I was in the delivery room, doing the supporting thing, like we're supposed to do.
My wife had just popped out our first son, when the doctor looked up at me, and asked if I was OK.
I guess he must have thought I was going to pass out or somthing.
I looked at him and said, "Hell doc, this ain't any worse than gutting out a deer".
I had dig marks in my arms for more than a week, and you can bet that I didn't make the same mistake the second time.
You can also bet that I have heard about it more than a few times, over the past 31 years.

Congratulations on your new family member, Tim.
I hope you are carefull about what you say in the delivery room.

I was in the delivery room, doing the supporting thing, like we're supposed to do.
My wife had just popped out our first son, when the doctor looked up at me, and asked if I was OK.
I guess he must have thought I was going to pass out or somthing.
I looked at him and said, "Hell doc, this ain't any worse than gutting out a deer".
I had dig marks in my arms for more than a week, and you can bet that I didn't make the same mistake the second time.
You can also bet that I have heard about it more than a few times, over the past 31 years.

Congratulations on your new family member, Tim.

That is just funny!!
Congrats on your 1st !!!!!
The first few months are pretty good. All they do is eat,sleep and mess their diapers. It goes downhill for there. Remember what a brat you were??


Well, here she is. She came at 4:28 yesterday afternoon. 5 lbs. 14 oz., 17 1/2 in. long. She is a little thing. Her and mom are doing great and I think I've had 5 hours of sleep in the last 2 days. I'm freaking exhausted! Thanks for all the positive comments guys, the delivery couldnt have gone any better, only about 20 minutes of pushing and she popped right out.

