He fought the good fight....

He had a good run.. Sorry RRR for the loss. Animals are the real deal, us humans are ignorant.
Yall have bee so gracious. Thank you for all of the support. It is appreciated more than you know.
Sorry about your loss! Critters seem to be the only ones that give you unconditional love no matter what life is throwing at you.
Man Rob, I really frekin' hate to hear the bad news. But just think, now he's even more free to do what cat's do and laze around on that big cat tree in the sky and roll around in catnip with all the other kitties.
Rob, I totally missed this thread--I was out of town for several days. I'm truly sorry for your loss & hope you will find peace knowing that Stubby is in a better place...

It's very difficult to lose a pet & hope that time will help the healing process :prayer: