Headlight switch removal 63 Dart


pk socal

Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
I'm removing the push button shift bezel on my 63 dart and I'm trying to figure out how to get the headlight switch knob off whithout breaking it. The windshied wiper knob has a screw that holds it on but the headlight switch doesn't seem to have anything. I assumed that it was just a friction thing and that it should just pull off but it seems to be on there very tight.

So before I get a big pair of pliers on it and break something, is there something that I'm missing?
Reach under the dash and feel around. There is a little button on the switch that releases the knob; shaft and all.
On the switch itself behind the dash there's a button you push to release the stem much like a watch
Sure wish I had read this about a half hour ago. :p

At least my dash is on my workbench with no live wires. I'd say I spent a good ten minutes trying every way imaginable and _nearly_ ruining both my dash and headlight switch before I noticed the button and had a facepalm moment.
Sorry for taking so long to reply on this. Got busy and just had a chance to try it.

Found the button and it worked like a charm.

Thanks guys.8)
this is not mopar specific, most old cars with a "pull-out" headlight switch have the little button, I've seen it on Fords, Chevy's and of course Mopars.