Heater Line Disconnect.....



Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
Zephyrhills, Florida

I have no need for my heater in Florida, and want to clean up the engine bay of the unwanted hoses........I'm going to do a simple disconnect and outer plug on the firewall (after blowing out the core), and I want some advice on the Intake/Water Pump connections.........

Would it be better for circulations sake to just connect the water pump to the intake via a short piece of heater hose (VERY simple), OR should I disconnect completely and install plugs at both places?

Common sense would seem to dictate that I'd get a better overall coolant flow by leaving the pump and intake connected as if the heater were operational............BUT, common sense doesn't always rule with old cars (or new ones, for that matter.....).................

What should I do? Does it really matter, and why? :read2:
To block the hose ports will put a tiny amount of back pressure on the water pump but not enough to matter. Thats how factory did it on heater delete models.
Conduit plugs with the screw driver slot look better than square head pipe plugs in my opinion. I've replaced ported vacuum switches in water necks and intakes with the conduit plugs several times. Little RTV on the threads insures seal. Good luck
I tapped the heater line take off on the water pump and stuck a plug in it, and also plugged my intake with a 3/8" plug. No looped hoses or hose clamps, just plain deleted. Can be reversed if the need be
Would there be any benefit to looping the connections, as suggested? Would there be a bit better cooling to the intake inlet, or any better circulation overall by leaving them looped together?

No benefit? :read2: