Help on the tail of my Duster...



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
Sunnyvale, CA
I recently put new quarter panels on my 71 Duster. I'm in a little bit of confussion now though. From the point of the tail to the edge of the lights are different in length on each side. I also have a Demon which is also different in length. It seems to be that the left side is longer by about a 1/4" on both cars. Is this normal, or are they both wrong, because I would assume that both side should be symetrical?

I might of confused you folks also, so i'll answer any questions.

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When I replaced the tail panel on my '72 Duster, the left side that I took off was wider than the right side - I could tell the right side was trimmed to make it fit. The new panel that I put on, I had to trim the right hand side; when I did, it fit just like the factory panel I had removed. I haven't taken a tape measure to it. I don't even think it's noticeable, as the trunk lid fits ok.
Ya it probably isn't really noticeable. It's just because I'm about to be at painting stage, so I've been real meticulous on everything. Just doesn't make sense why from the length of point to the edge of the light is different in size. I guess I'll just fit the bumper before final prep.