Help! Speedo cluster removal - 68 Valiant



Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
I have been trying to get the speedo cluster out to replace some light bulbs but what all do I have to do to get it out? I have managed to unplug some things behind but I wont be able to plug them in the same way. it looks like the lower dash has to be removed/lowered. any ideas?
I'm not positive about the Valiant dash.......if I saw it, I could probably help.........any chance on a picture? Best pointer I can give sight unseen is to work from right to left, unless amp gauge wires come into play......then they should come off before proceeding with any other connections.(and always disconnect the battery first).

Dropping the steering column by removing the main bolts will allow it to be dropped down somewhat out of your should not have to remove any of the steel framing..again, a pic would be helpful.

This type of job takes patience, whatever the model......and if you're not privy to where the plugs go back on, they need to be marked with a sharpie for remembrance.......some will only go back on one way.....but some could really make a mess of your day if you get them incorrect.......if it's a single plug, MARK IT and draw a pattern for yourself on a piece of paper for reference.
Actually you shouldn't need to remove any part of the dash to change light bulbs. They are usually just little black plastic holders with a finger hold extension so you can twist them in and out. You will however need to be a circus performer to get to some of them. :)
been there tried that before. Thats why I usually remove the 5 (or whatever) screws and plop the cluster on my lap. probably quicker...givin you can get it out which I cant. o well. :)
there will be your speedo cable 2 separate wiring harnesses plug to your lights plug to your wipers and the wires to your amp gauge.. those all need to be removed.. marked as stated above for later reference.. then start removing screws

pictures tell a thousand words..

i cant remember how i got my 67 dash out but a picture would bring back a million memories
