Help with convertor ID?



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
I have a convertor here that came a BB 727 - I am trying to work out what I have.
It has stamped on it TCI3051 then separate stamp says 3009 and then another SS2500

I emailed TCI for some help but I received a basic not interested response.

Can anyone help me ID this convertor?
I would contact Summit Racing, tell them you are thinking of ordering a converter but you want the same one you already have. Tell them you aren't sure of the brand, and could they help you find out. Give them the same info you have on here, and if you talk to Customer Service, a Senior Rep should help you and call TCI. Those companies are much nicer to Summit Employees than the general public.

I used to work at Summit, as a Senior Rep. Boy was that job awesome...
Sorry to hear that TCI can't/or WON'T help you with this problem. Could you perhaps let me know if the ring gear is 1" wide or a 1/2" wide, and if possible post a photo.

It's a shame that some companies only care ABOUT THE SALE and have little or no aftersales service. The company I worked for before retiring, serial numbered every high stall they made, from a balls to the walls race unit, or something only 400-500 over stock. If you ever picked one up used, you could contact us, and we'd tell you when it was made, who it was made for, the stall of it, what is was going behind, and how many times it had been in for repair or modification. If you kept the used unit and had contacted us, we'd even re-register it under the new owners name.