Help with details of forum



Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
Western VA

I just have a couple "technical questions"... I'm not very forum-savvy, so some things may be obvious to others, but embarrassing less obvious to me. Thanks in advance for your help!

1. How the heck to you "thank" a member? I see mentions of "Thanks received" or given, but I'm not sure how that works. Is there something you click within the forum, or is it something that is just recorded when one literally types "thank you"?

2. Is there a way to edit a thread that you've started? I had a car that I initially listed as selling the entire car, but now I'm just parting it out. Can I change the thread subject to reflect this? I only have one reply so far, and it's just "PM sent".

Again... thanks for your time and patience!

I just have a couple "technical questions"... I'm not very forum-savvy, so some things may be obvious to others, but embarrassing less obvious to me. Thanks in advance for your help!

1. How the heck to you "thank" a member? I see mentions of "Thanks received" or given, but I'm not sure how that works. Is there something you click within the forum, or is it something that is just recorded when one literally types "thank you"?

2. Is there a way to edit a thread that you've started? I had a car that I initially listed as selling the entire car, but now I'm just parting it out. Can I change the thread subject to reflect this? I only have one reply so far, and it's just "PM sent".

Again... thanks for your time and patience!

If you look on the bottom of the thread you will see a "thanks" block.

Just click on it.

Depending on how long it's been you will see an "edit" block on the bottom also.

Just click it and edit your thread and save it.
The thanks button is somewhat anonymous. I simply say "thank you" to whomever needs it.
Well, thank you to both of you! Much appreciated.

I believe I'm too new to the thread to see the "thank you", just yet. Only about 3-4 posts, so far. I'm here to part out and say good-bye to my '65 Valiant of 7 years daily travel, so I'll wrack up experience points eventually, I suppose. :thumblef: