[WANTED] hemi

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In all reality the aftermarket blocks are usually cheaper then an original. Now the rub is the WORLD cast iron blocks are terrible, over a 50% faluire rate BEFORE PULLING IT OUT OF THE BOX. Now the AL ones seem to be fine to due the processes used. Havn't used a Indy block other than what was in a car, they use this stupid one piece rear main/rear seal cap that leaks if not delt with during machining...

so how bad do you want it?
i have a 66 hemi block im looking to let go , just under 500 cu. in crank ,main caps ,rods checked and are good , pistons , alum. heads ,rockers , valve covers , and prolly some other parts also, needs put together , let me know can e-mail pics thanks and have a keith black race hemi needs a new home also
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