Here we go Patriots!!!

I have to laugh at how many fans out there didn't want the Pat's to win. I remember the same thing about the Steelers back in Bradshaw's days. It is the price any team pays for being better than everybody else on a consistant basis. It's the same as the Yankees, love them or hate them, very little in between.

This spygate thing is a laugh. Did you happen to catch Jaws on ESPN yesterday. He said any team he ever played on did the same thing and other things that were worse. So you guy's that just can't let go of the cheater syndrom, get over it, your team was probably doing it to. LOL

A. Spector is a joke. He is an Eagles fan that is just trying to get votes in the next election. Just full of hot air like any other politician. LOL

by the way they're ALREADY a dynasty...and they'll be right back in it again next year!!!....Gee,they only went 18-1 they're terrible...NOT...
sorry to say no dynasty dynastys dont get beat by wildcard teams and your right im sure all teams cheat yours just got caught but still that isnt the example we should set for kids cheating is ok as long as you dont get caught they should be looked down on to give kids the idea that we dont like cheaters. Next question if the rams would have beat the pats in that super bowl and the rams got caught cheating i bet you would be crying cause your pats got robbed. Guess they just won the wrong game should have lost to the giants in week 17 instead they give up the biggest game in any of their careers :-D
Is there any other kind? ;-)

And for anyone talking sh*t about her looks, let's see what your bumpin' uglies with these days. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it ain't as sweet as what Tom's all curled up with tonight.

im gonna go on a limb and say shes better looking then any women were all dating, but for a model shes not that hot like the one that was in the victoria secret comercial super bowl day
And i'm sure your dating/married to someone much better looking???...

cant be im single, and its good becasue i get more time with my car and to do things i want then have sex with single hot girls so i dont care... once again shes prolly better then any chick or wife someone has so, o well

o ya hahahahah brady and moss are no longer in the pro bowl hahah
cant be im single, and its good becasue i get more time with my car and to do things i want then have sex with single hot girls so i dont care... once again shes prolly better then any chick or wife someone has so, o well

o ya hahahahah brady and moss are no longer in the pro bowl hahah

They're no longer in the pro bowl of their own choice,Tom is going to be way to busy bumping uglys with Giselle and Moss is thinking about how much more money he wants...