Hi from a FNG


Capt. Zorro

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
up in the hills
I bought a 1969 Dart Swinger 340 4 speed new in the fall of '68, sold it off to a guy before I went to Vietnam in 1970. While I was gone he ran it off the mountain and totaled it. Finally ran into his Niece a couple months ago and she said that he still had parts of it sitting out in a field up in the hills. Going to try to track him down and see if there's anything left worth fooling with if he'll sell it.
I'll be hanging around trying to catch up on all the new info on the Darts.
Adios Amigos,
Capt. Zorro
Welcome to best A-Body site on the web! :cheers: Good luck with your parts hunt, keep us posted, pics would be cool too!
Welcome Capt.
You will find there are some of the best of the best tec's and folks "people"
here ready to help and cheer you on.
I hope your hunt go's good for you.
Take a look around and enjoy Capt. Zorro.
Welcome Capt. Zorro

How fitting to start the new year by joining the best Mopar site on the net. :cheers:

Hope there's still a story to be told with your old 69 Swinger 340. Maybe you can bring her back to life w/ the
help of all the great techs here.
Welcome to FABO, ZORRO.
There are a lot of cars that were considered ''totalled'' at one time now doing Show Car duty. My Duster is one of them, I found it wrecked in a salvage yard, I saw past the wrinkled skin and saw the car as it is today.
Hope you find it.
That`s a neat story Capt. Zorro, I hope there`s something left of the car to start a new Dart with. Welcome to the site.
Welcome Captain,
As a current service member at Fort Hood, Texas with over 26 years total service and counting, I thank you for your service to this country. You will love this site. I check out a different forum and/or thread every day and find something interesting and helpful. And as everyone else has said, please post some pictures, they are worth a thousand words!
Wecome capt.Zorro:hello2:
I wish you the very best of luck with your old car.
Hope there's lot's of good stuff left!
I was only able to find a couple pics of the Swinger, see if these will post.

Dart pic (2).jpg

3 Dart pic.jpg
Cap'n, Welcome, Been into Mopars since before I was in the service in '74, one thing I've learned on this site. If you have the VIN # they'll help you drive a whole new car underneath it, no $hit. Good luck Thanks for your service, I work out of the U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center in McAlester, OK. What "hills" are you hiding in?
Welcome Capt. Zorro. This is a great place with a boat load of great guys:supz:
(and Gals:thumblef:)

Welcome Aboard Capt. :salute:,

~The Exceptional One~>>> aka Mary.
Thanks for the Welcome guys, kipper I'm up in the East Tennessee hills. Yeah, I hope there's something left, but don't hold out much hope. Sitting outside in the weather for nearly 40 years ain't good for anything... I've watched a bunch of old iron rust into the ground, the owner usually said "I'm a goin' to fix that up one of these days, it's worth a fortune".
Cap'n Z, got some brothers from my motorcycle brotherhood in Kingsport, I will retire in central KY, all God's corner of the world, good "sweet water" in them thar hills too.
welcome aboard! how about some updateing to the photos for insperation to start....


Pics were made right before I sold it. Had a Racer Brown cam, headers, 780 Holley double pumper, torsion bars cranked up, air shocks on back, chrome reverse wheels and wide oval tires. The headers were a royal PITA to put on, I still remember that after all these years. Had to take the motor mounts loose and jack up the engine to get them in. Then bend the clutch rod to go around one of the tubes.
I took the cam out before I sold it, think it's still somewhere in the shop along with all the other stuff I can't find anymore...
Update:!! I finally found my old Dart! I don't know whether to be happy or sad. It's sort of like meeting one of your teenage girlfriends again after 40 years. She don't look nothing like you remember her.
As I had heard the car was wrecked and then parked out in a field. The elements haven't been kind to it. Rusty body sitting on the ground, the chrome reverse wheels are just rusty reverse wheels now. Passenger rear quarter smacked all the way to the trunk. The interior is packed to the roof with misc. junk. The guy that now owns it thinks it's worth a fortune and wouldn't think of selling it at any price. (he's going to fix it up one of these days, just as I had feared) I'll see if I can get him to let me take a few pics of it, I'm sick....
Update:!! I finally found my old Dart! I don't know whether to be happy or sad. It's sort of like meeting one of your teenage girlfriends again after 40 years. She don't look nothing like you remember her.
As I had heard the car was wrecked and then parked out in a field. The elements haven't been kind to it. Rusty body sitting on the ground, the chrome reverse wheels are just rusty reverse wheels now. Passenger rear quarter smacked all the way to the trunk. The interior is packed to the roof with misc. junk. The guy that now owns it thinks it's worth a fortune and wouldn't think of selling it at any price. (he's going to fix it up one of these days, just as I had feared) I'll see if I can get him to let me take a few pics of it, I'm sick....

I like the simile, meeting your teenage girlfriend after 40 years. That`s priceless! I think the phrase "I`m going to fix it up one day" is idiot for " I`m going to torture Mopar lovers and let it sit there until it becomes part of the Earth".
Makes me crazy when guys do that to old musclecars cars, Sh*t or get off the pot! If you aint gonna fix em, sell em to someone who will. Zorro I hope you can wear him down and get her back cheap, play on your sentimental value or anything!lol8)