
Great news I am very happy for you Robert. Work hard do as your told and you will be in great shape and will advance quickly.. Nothing motivates a person more than having a purpose in life. You my friend have a purpose and God knows what it is.. Good luck and God Bless your new job...Bill
Big congrats from everyone here and myself! :D
He's been searching all over for anywhere with his interests to apply!
It's been a definite smile-filled day since I've heard about it!

Karli, don't forget, now it's up to you to keep kicking Robert back into play.!

Don't worry about that, Frankie. I'll keep his *** in play, for FABO and work!
And when he's working, I'll assume the role of "spitfire" and keep Robert worry free about some of the f***wads on here. Don't worry, I got him covered!
That,s great Robert!
I have some bad days at work but overall it is good and when I get home I feel like I accomplished something,Then guess who is waiting for me, Krissy my doggy!

Wow, this is great news, and the opportunity has already seemed to have charged your batteries and given you a spring in your step!! I know you'll do a great job there!! Geof
You've had a rough spell for awhile now Robert but it seems everything is starting to work out for you. I couldn't be happier to read this! Lots of great news on FABO lately ... let's keep it up gang. :-D
Great news Robert! I can tell in your posts you are a conscientious, positive and thorough person. I guarantee your co-workers will see this and you will be rewarded!
Way to go Robert wish you the best and will be praying for u with the new job:cheers::cheers::cheers: