


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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What an uncomfortable SOB THIS afternoon has become. Cold, haven't been out except to get the mail. Ate lunch, and then the tell - tale - .........itch.......

Starting about 1975, I was plagued with unpredictable events of head - to - foot hives. These used to be much more serious. In of my first attacks, I made it to the local hospital on my own only to go into shock.

For many years I carried a bee sting kit and had to inject myself with epinephrine (synthenic adrenaline) some dozen times or more over the years. That stuff in itself ruins the entire rest of your day.

Gawud these are uncomfortable. You can NOT scratch, they just get worse. Just sit here and "take it."

No known cause. Had been through an extensive "scratch test" series. Not affected by mood, known dietary or other environmental causes.

Even the bottoms of my feet itch!!!!

Fortunately, these hit a "low" of maybe once every 2-3 years about 10 years ago, but here in the last 3 years or so, I've attacks more often. Three this last year. This is the first so far in 014. Last was about 6 months ago


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WOW, talk about frustrating as hell!! Does the epi kit work?? I guess Benadryl aint nowhere near strong enuf eh??
Bennies (spellin, LOL) is largely for a different purpose. They are mostly for respiratory problems associated with allergies. They have no affect on whatever this is.

The purpose of the needle (epinephrine) is to keep you from going into shock. It ramps up your blood pressure, and vastly increases your heart rate. Being "on" this is just plain scary. It's like running and panting, without the running. It saps your strength, and wears you clear out. It flat ruins your day.

I haven't felt the need for "the needle" for years. I don't even carry them anymore, but if this stuff seems like it's getting any worse I might have to reconsider.

This has been going on for about 2 hours, and I'm finally starting to "come down." The hives have gotten less on my arms and chest, and less itching. My lower legs and feet are still uncomfortable. I have a slight, minor, headache.
Del, have you a stiff drink or twelve and try to relax. Maybe that will take your mind off it.
My younger sister has battled with these her whole life. She is 52 now and sometimes gets them bad enough that eyes swell shut and has breathing problems. When she was a kid had allergy test and only animal she didn't have a reaction to was a camel. She is tough and has put up with it as like you say not much else you can do. Hope you feel better Bill.
Thanks. I was told, years ago, that I'm lucky this does not swell my breathing passages shut. It used to get bad enough that my eyes would hurt and water. I've tried all sorts of things over the years. It does not seem to be diet, or stress, nor an allergy..
Do you have your car back from paint yet ?? If not maybe your going through Dart withdrawals.
Do you have your car back from paint yet ?? If not maybe your going through Dart withdrawals.

LOL, no, not even close. The neighbor has done some welding on it, and has started mocking up the lower quarters. He has a demanding full time job, + a little snowmobiling, so I don't expect instant results. Plus he's actually got 2 other projects, one about done.

Hell I don't even have the engine / trans ready to go back in. It'll have to warm up some before I do much. High today came up some, about 13 F I think. The other day the high was a single digit. It's going to warm way up and get very wet



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