Hood Ornaments

I have a 1946 Plymouth, 1941 Dodge and a 1927 Buick ornament. The 1927 Buick is actually a beautiful radiator cap that is called a Goddess. I also have an early Buick Moto-Meter with a 1918 paten date and another early Moto-Meter.
I was at a junk yard yesterday and saw a lot of 1950's era 'jet age' ornaments. I'm guessing they were made from pot metal and chromed and were very pitted. Has anyone had any experience re-chroming them?
I would snag em if I found em. Even if just for wall art, that's cool stuff there. Course I'm a pack rat that way...
Pacuda,cool thread. A lot of the "rat rodders" snag them. If you have access to some,grab em. Even pitted ones are revered "garage art",to some.