Hood Scoop Location???



Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2006
Reaction score
Fredericton,New Brunswick
Can any one tell me the distance that the hood scoops on a 70 swinger are from the rear and sides of the hood, and also the measurements to where the holes are cut as well as the size of the holes. I know that this was marked on some hoods that didn't have them, but there are no cutouts on the hood that I have.

One more question, to reinstall the studs in the scoops what is the best way to seat these? Fill the original hole with fiberglass then drill and tap them? Is there any type of epoxy that should be used to ensure that they do not work lose. Thanks to every body in advance you have made this newbies growing pains a lot less painfull. I am just getting back to my car with no future planned delays or interuptions such as Marriage, new home, or exams for work. Only Mopar on my to do list, thank God!! :salute:
My experience with the stud holes leads me to what I believe may be the best overall re-do.............

Unless you have holes that have been torn out in chunks, there should be a "stripped" hole in the scoop. What I do for a proper fit and seat is to re-drill the hole one size larger (usually a 5/16 hole)........then I tap the new hole, and install new 5/16 studs.

Ace Hardware carries the correct studs, and they work great.

If you re-fill with glass (for a hole that is just plain shot and torn apart), I would recommend using "short strand" fiberglass filler....drill out the hole to a good bit oversize (at least 3 sizes larger X 16ths), and carefully!! ..Rough up the inside and outside of the hole using a 36 to 40 grit paper........blow out ALL of the dust particles..........Then, brush in a little bit of pure liquid resin (with hardener.......you can get a small repair kit of resin from your local parts store) to insure a good bond in all of the scratches...........next, work in your short strand filler with pressure (and a putty knife), pressing it into the repair over and over.....this will mold the new glass firmly and completely into the hole.

Let this cure for about a day to 2 days.......Then you can re-drill the size hole you need, and tap it for your studs. When you put the scoop on the car, do NOT overtighten the studs..........they should be SNUG, but not super tight.....use a lock washer or a nylon-insert lock nut.

Hope this helps................ Doc
Thanks Pastortom1, it involves a little more then I thought but I want it to last so I have to put the effort in so I only have to do it once. Any idea on the location of the scoops? I have pictures that show the general location but no exact measurements. I know I have seen this someplace online before but I have not been able to locate it again so far.