Hot Aug Nites Swap in Sacramento



Orig Stealth Mod
Jul 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento Area, CA
I don't know if you all heard but John Sweeney (from Cruisin' News) has moved his swap meet and has disassociated himself from the Hot August Nights folks. John has been putting the swap on for many, many years there but there was a parting of the ways as of this year. He is going to be having the swap at Arco Arena in Sacramanto on Sunday, August 3rd. I am planning on attending so if anyone wants to meet up and maybe grab something to eat afterwards, I am up for it.
I don't know if you all heard but John Sweeney (from Cruisin' News) has moved his swap meet and has disassociated himself from the Hot August Nights folks. John has been putting the swap on for many, many years there but there was a parting of the ways as of this year. He is going to be having the swap at Arco Arena in Sacramanto on Sunday, August 3rd. I am planning on attending so if anyone wants to meet up and maybe grab something to eat afterwards, I am up for it.

If you're gonna be there, I will too. It's close enough to drive the Demon, even :D PM me for my phone #
Do they still do the Hot August Nights in Danville (I think they switched the name to Hot Summer Nights)? That was fun.. i used to take my 1953 M38A1 (military jeep).
Do they still do the Hot August Nights in Danville (I think they switched the name to Hot Summer Nights)? That was fun.. i used to take my 1953 M38A1 (military jeep).

Hey Crash, there are still having and yes, that's what it is called. I always see a lot of big money rides out there but then again, that is a pretty affluent area.
For the swap at Arco Arena, I will bringing a hand truck and/or dolly in case anyone needs to wheel anything out.
I don't know if you all heard but John Sweeney (from Cruisin' News) has moved his swap meet and has disassociated himself from the Hot August Nights folks. John has been putting the swap on for many, many years there but there was a parting of the ways as of this year. He is going to be having the swap at Arco Arena in Sacramanto on Sunday, August 3rd. I am planning on attending so if anyone wants to meet up and maybe grab something to eat afterwards, I am up for it.

This is the first of heard of this. Woohoo. I'll try and make it. Got to put it in my date book.
I heard about this.. some one else is doing a swap here in reno the following weekend... it will still have the high traffic no matter who is running it.. i live in reno so that is the one i will be participating in... plus that previous weekend is street racing in winnemucca.(i heard this was a good time but ive never been)
I will be going to the "Reno" swap at Arco Arena also. But I have leave early to go to Lodi afterwards.

It is my son's birthday and he and and his friends want to try parachuting for his birthday.

I will not be jumping out of any planes. When I was in the Navy I was on the aircrew of SP-2e for four years. I never had to parachute out of an airplane and I don't have any desire to do so now.
Folks, chime in if you are going to the Reno Swap Meet at Arco Arena this Sunday (8/3). I was thinking about bringing up a small Smokey Joe and burning some dogs in the parking lot around 12-1 (so we have a chance to look around in the morning). Anyone game? Let me know so I can figure out whether or not to bring the BBQ stuff up and how much of it to bring.
If I stay at my sister's in Granite Bay, I am going to try and get there early (like 6:30am). If I drive from the Bay Area, it might be a little later (like 7:30am). Hopefully, we can Q around 11:30-12.
do you know what time it will start. i would like to go early. but that will probably change sunday morning when my alarm goes off.
So ... is anyone else plan on being there? I am trying to figure out how many dogs, buns, drinks I am going to bring.
I'll be there, what do you want me to bring?

How about some potato or mac salad?

I just went to the store and picked up sausages, sour dough buns, soda, olives, condiments and paper/plastic goods so we should be good to go with a nice simple BBQ out there. I hope there isn't any hardass security working the lot.
BTW: I am bringing a fold out table and chair so if you guys want to be comfortable, you may want to bring one as well.
Not sure If I'm going to make it. As the money tree died, since soccer is starting up. Have to buy cleats for 4. Might have to dig thru my ashtray for change to go. Wish their feet didn't grow so they could wear last years cleats.
Not sure If I'm going to make it. As the money tree died, since soccer is starting up. Have to buy cleats for 4. Might have to dig thru my ashtray for change to go. Wish their feet didn't grow so they could wear last years cleats.

Four pairs? There should be at least 1-2 pairs hanging on the hand-me-down tree. :-D
The oldest one grew enough to not even be close to last years. And the middle two wear the same size, just a size and a half larger this year. The youngest of the bunch grew a little bit to, but I have some moly-lube I might try on him though.