Hot dang cops did a good job



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 17, 2010
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Well long story short...our house was broken into by a sorry a$$ sack of shat crack head. He stole some tools,wifes jewelry, daughters lap top and digital camara and our camcorder. I call the police they come and do there thing. After they leave I call my mom....she tells me the cops are there too, her house was broken into. Come to find out it was a past boyfriend of my sister, although they havent been together for a very long time. Anyways they caught his sorry a$$. Recovered most of our stuff except the wifes jewelry. All I can say is he should be glad it was the police that caught him and not me.
Well long story short...our house was broken into by a sorry a$$ sack of shat crack head. He stole some tools,wifes jewelry, daughters lap top and digital camara and our camcorder. I call the police they come and do there thing. After they leave I call my mom....she tells me the cops are there to her house was broken into. Come to find out it was a past boyfriend of my sister, although they havent been together for a very long time. Anyways they caught his sorry a$$. Recoved most of our stuff except the wifes jewelry. All I can say is he should be glad it was the police that caught him and not me.
Glad they caught the *** hat. Hope they find your wife's jewelry.......When I lived in AZ I had a neighbor that was a retired cop. He was broken into. Little did the thief know, his daughters ex, that the cop had cameras around the place. People sure can be stupid at times..........
Check all of the pawn shops. Make sure you take the police report with you! And if you claimed the lost jewelry on insurance, takes copy of that with you as well. I wish you luck, jewelry is hard too recover sometimes.