Hot Rod Deluxe



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
Reaction score
I bought this today and it is a great magazine with awesome pics and articles.
I just can't find any info on subscription.

this is a great magazine. it comes out every two months. i have about 5 issues. i cant remember what the reason is as to why they can do subscribtions, but they talked about it in a issue of hotrod. i guess all we can do is keep buying it at the news stand untill they see that there is enough interest.
I see they want feedback sent to the editors:

"tell us what you think (email us [email protected]), and spread the word! -- David Freiburger"

Thats at least a place to start. Pretty lame if they come out with a cool rag (for once) and don't tell you how to get a sub for it.
i believe they cant do subs because of a money thing. im just glad there is a decent magazine to read out there. i didnt renew any of my subs this year. i got tired of reading about high dollar B and E bodies. now i just go to barnes and nobles and buy my magazines if there is something interesting in them that month.