How can engine run cooler than thermostat rating



Life Long MOPAR Owner
FABO Gold Member
Jul 15, 2011
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I have talked with a few other car nuts and have heard this comment. "I run a 195 degree thermostat and my car runs 180-185 all day". I don't see how this is possible. I know the engine is circulating water but, wont the engine eventually reach 195, open up and let cool water from radiator in, then climb back to 195.

Can someone point me to a technical site that has a good explanation?

Also, at what temperature should the radiator build pressure?

Thanks FABO experts.
Put the thermostat in a kettle on the kitchen stove with a candy thermometer. Check the temp when it opens. The little temp number on the thermostat and actual opening temp are often quite different. You can do the same with the temp gauge by placing the sendor in the kettle. Then you'll know.
I thought the rating was wide open. Wouldnt a temp close open it some but not fully?
I used to wonder about that also.
The answer is that thermostats start opening before the temp they are rated for.
The guy that explained it to me said that they have to put 210 degree thermostats in their fleet truck so they will run at 190 in the winter.