How do you guys ship large objects?



Well-Known Member
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
Long island, New York
How do you guys go about shipping larger objects? I am looking to ship a toyota fender.

any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. just dont tell me to cut it in half, or throw it out because its not a mopar part :evil4:
How do you guys go about shipping larger objects? I am looking to ship a toyota fender.

any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. just dont tell me to cut it in half, or throw it out because its not a mopar part :evil4:
Hit up a body shop for a fender box8)
i usually ship through parcel post/USPS. but it has to be in a box... Find one big enough, or build one with cardboard (I have used small wood strips to staple it together too). I did ship a fender once through UPS only wrapping it in plastic... They said people do it all the time, but they cant insure anything not in a box... I wrapped it up, and it got damaged enroute, that was old 1960's steel, not that balsa-metal they use these days. Good Luck
I go to the local bicycle shop and get some boxes the bikes came in. Some items like bumpers needs two boxes put together to be long enough to fit. FedEx or UPS are usually the most affordable shipping costs. If I put something large on eBay I won't post it until I have it packed in a box and have a good idea what it'll cost to ship to any part of the country.
if you are close to an Amtrak station, and the destination is close to one as well, that can be an inexpensive alternative. I had a complete front bench seat for my 59 suburban sent to Seattle from New Mexico. I think it was $40 or something like that.
I sent bucket seats and a barracuda fender through Greyhound......amazing!....and somewhat cheap. All the way from Cali to N.Y.
Greyhound will take it, doesn't need to be boxed.

I sent a Duster fender across the country, wrote the name on the fender and away it went.
I go to the local bicycle shop and get some boxes the bikes came in. Some items like bumpers needs two boxes put together to be long enough to fit. FedEx or UPS are usually the most affordable shipping costs. If I put something large on eBay I won't post it until I have it packed in a box and have a good idea what it'll cost to ship to any part of the country.

I sold on ebay for 7 years til I gave it up a couple years ago when they got greedy with the fee's and decided the seller is the enemy. Anyway, I did a lot of research to get the best shipping rates I could for the buyers and I found bike boxes are great for shipping parts. I shipped a back seat out of a 65 Barracuda in two of them and you can ship some doors in them but you need to take the vent window frame out first so it fits without getting an over size charge which is usually around 3x more.

FedEx/Kinko's is the best for shipping, they are the most careful and the cheapest. USPS charges a lot extra when the box gets to be 20" long and I found out they use FedEx to ship the larger packages anyway, which is something they don't want you to know but I know someone that works there. UPS has the worst record for damaging packages in my opinion, you should have seen a few of the bikes I received that was shipped by UPS and I know a few guys that worked in their warehouse and if you only knew what they told me happens in there.

The biggest thing with FedEx and UPS is you need to keep the box size under 130" shipping size which is length + girth and 54" is the max length before it is considered over sized.

You can probably ship a foreign fender for around $25 or less if you find the correct size box.

Greyhound is a good way to ship larger items like bench seats, hoods, deck lids and older fenders.