How to get this off

had a buddie that was big into model cars, if he didnt like a painjob he'd put it in a bucket of bleach and it would remove just the paint, I've had good luck with oven cleaner

This I never knew.
Wouldn't brake fluid eat through the plastic too?

I have an idea...

Let's seek a $1,000,000 government grant to see what the best damage free way to remove spray tint without damaging the plastic or hurting the envioroment. We could buy NOS parts that fit our cars so we have prime examples to work with. We would have to have our cars proffessionally painted to show quality so we could test for overspray removal. That along with our big pay checks we could get though the million and ask for an additional million for more research. Then we would have to get a really nice large motor home and travel to see if the process works the same in the lower 48, Alaska and Canada. We would need a trip to Hawaii to test it there. I am sure we could find some more reasons to seek a few more millions before we started a different project.
I have an idea...

Let's seek a $1,000,000 government grant to see what the best damage free way to remove spray tint without damaging the plastic or hurting the envioroment. We could buy NOS parts that fit our cars so we have prime examples to work with. We would have to have our cars proffessionally painted to show quality so we could test for overspray removal. That along with our big pay checks we could get though the million and ask for an additional million for more research. Then we would have to get a really nice large motor home and travel to see if the process works the same in the lower 48 and Canada. We would need a trip to Hawaii to test it there. I am sure we could find some more reasons to seek a few more millions before we started a different project.

Xs great idea.
You can use smooth top range polish, it will remove the "ricer crud" as well as any oxidized surface on the plastic with out reacting with the plastic badly. You can even buff out scratches in plastic with it. I have used it to buff out scuff marks on auto paint where it didn't go through the clearcoat and it takes overspray off with no damage to chrome or aluminum. It's good for lots of things, not that expensive, and easy to find! Look for it at your grocery store.
You can use smooth top range polish, it will remove the "ricer crud" as well as any oxidized surface on the plastic with out reacting with the plastic badly. You can even buff out scratches in plastic with it. I have used it to buff out scuff marks on auto paint where it didn't go through the clearcoat and it takes overspray off with no damage to chrome or aluminum. It's good for lots of things, not that expensive, and easy to find! Look for it at your grocery store.

Brake fluid will eat the paint. But not bother the plastic. It was even on one of speed channel Power Block shows.
I like the idea of getting a governemnt grant to do research on the whole process.
Brake fluid will eat the paint. But not bother the plastic. It was even on one of speed channel Power Block shows.
I like the idea of getting a governemnt grant to do research on the whole process.

Thanks I pretty much got it clean,but it could be a little better.