how to hard block a 400 B engine ?



Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
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Hi can anyone tell me the proper way to add hard block to my 400,and is there a prefered brand to use.I was thinkin a half fill,is that just below the core plugs.then alloy caps and girdle.And should i be trying to secure the plugs in the block somehow,any help appreciated.......
Follow the company's instruction for the mixing of the hard block.
An engine stand that will allow you to position the deck flat so you can do one side, and then the other will go a long way. Pour it in via funnel and use a dead blow hammer on the side of the block to help work out air bubbles while friend pours it in. Use long wooden or metal dowels to help settle it all.

As for plugs, I have not heard of a BBM spitting out freeze plugs, but I have heard of it in BBF. The block literally twists enough that plugs split out. The way the BBF guys handle it by having the freeze plugs tapped to certain size and then they use screw in freeze plugs.
I have drilled holes through the freeze plug lips and into the block and pinned them in place. Works well.
Hey i didnt think of getting some dowel,Is the bottom of the freeze plugs the half fill indicator,and should they be installed before or after.sorry for the q,s i just didnt want to forget something as it's goin in!!And do u screw these pins in scamp or is it an interference fit with a hammer.cheers.....
Interesting idea. How many spots per freeze plug, and any particular positioning (12-3-6-9 o'clock?)

3 and 9 is all you need. They are similar to what holds the intake valley pan to the bottom of the stock intake. They have "twists" in them that hold them in place, but you just knock them in with a hammer and punch. You can get them at any good hardware store.
with all do repect filling the block up with "hard block" to the bottom of the freeze plugs will do absolutely no good for the motor. fill it up the the bottom of the water pump hole in the block and do as was previously mention. the freeze will not need pinned then.
Grout bag and coat hangers

Don't mix it thin or it will never set up properly. It has to be pasty and you'll spend plenty of time tamping it down.
Ok,so dont mix it to thin and fill it to the bottom of the pump at least,with block nice and level.I just deburred the block and am about to send it in to the machine shop for hot tank,crack test and sonic check.What else should i have done before i add core plugs and fill it.Any machining at all.Thanks guys............
You need to torque the main caps in place first, them fill it. After its full, and BEFORE it sets, torque a head or torque plate on. Have all the machine work done after its set
Thanks guys,i just didnt want to f it up so i thought i should ask first,a stock 400 block of any year go's for a thousnd bucks.And then u have to freight it as only 2 too 5 come up for sale in Australia a year.There a tad rare around here and most guys run small blocks and 440"s.cheers for the advice again.Johno........:thumbup: