how to remove frozen spark plug

PBBlaster and a lot of patience - a small amount of heat might help too, a propane torch to get the PB boiling/smoking.. don't go directly on the plug, more around the base of it. Sometimes it can also help to give the offending stuck item a little tweak tighter before trying to loosen it - though in the case I would only do that as a last resort. I hope not, but you might end up having to take the head off the engine...
if you have it - a 3/8 drive impact set on low might help kick it loose, just a couple of easy taps on it - but start with the PB and some heat
speaking of tapping on it - get a socket onto it and and moderately tap on the socket with a wrench - hold onto the socket still while you do it - don't use a hammer
I have used the heat process but what I found is do like scamp said spray it with PB and heat it but I turn the plug almost red this swells it and makes it tighter in the head and at the same time crushes the rust, let it cool completely then when it's cold try to get it out and use more PB blaster on it to lube the threads.
have had good luck with this
Don't get stupid and hydro lock the cylinder (cycle the starter with the spark plugs out after you get it loose), but I'd direct some penetrating oil into the cylinder via intake or exhaust port. Bring to tdc on that cylinder before you begin.

The gasket/seat makes it tough to get any oil to the threads. But, the threads are usually wide open on the inside....
50/50 mix of Nail Polish remover and ATF Fluid. Always works with me.
Yep, acetone and atf is the best penetrate.
You have to leave it set for a while.
Run it and get it hot then take one of those birthday candles and rub it around the thread area let is sit for an hour, sounds crazy but it works!
I have used the heat process but what I found is do like scamp said spray it with PB and heat it but I turn the plug almost red this swells it and makes it tighter in the head and at the same time crushes the rust, let it cool completely then when it's cold try to get it out and use more PB blaster on it to lube the threads.
This works every time. Once it's cold I hit it with WD40. Wait 20 minutes, and give it hell.
heat up the engine for a good while, get some bee's wax and right after you shut it down, shove the bee's wax down around the plug and get it good and down in the crevice. let it work for a bit, then spray it down with PB and hit it with an impact. if that doesnt work.. buy another head :)
Kroil oil works wonders. But 9 people will disagree and throw up red flags. 3 people will say drill it out. And the topic change to what carb are you running? Good luck on your quest getting the plug out.
I definitely use kroil but at 1 buck an oz acetone and atf works as good.
Start with the PB Blast, try an impact wrench, then heat, then impact wrench, then more heat. Only drill out if it breaks off. Then step up with the drill, and cut the last of it out with a proper size tap. But, we hope it doesn't go as far as drilling and tapping. Always start out easiest and work towards the "Oh ****" moment, but always have a plan for the worse case scenario.
A little heat around the plug base, hit it with penetrating fluid and remove.
If it is really stuck, cool it quick with a blast from a fire extinguisher.
A plug cannot be that tight unless its cross-threaded or rusted solid from an engine exposed to the weather.