How to repair a 62 Fuel sending unit in my lancer



Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Redwood City, CA
Hey guys,

I have a 67 unit, but its got a different float arm and pickup, as well as range for the float. I wasn't sure if I could adapt it or not. Anyone have some ideas? There are pictures at:

Please email me with pictures if you have one or know of a place I can get one. OR post here if you can help me modify the 67


First off,this is not the same unit.Now its a matter of trying to mix and match the parts to build one good unit.Dissassemble the old unit and try not to brake any thing.On the new unit you will need to extend the pick up tube,and all so replace the float rod from the old unit and use the new float.Check the resistance of the old unit when its up and record it,and when its down.Do the same to the new one,so you can see if the two units resistance both go down in value and up in value the same way.Units either go down in value say from 90 ohms to zero,or go from 0-90ohms.You need to make sure of the guage and witch way it works to match it.With some work you can do it,Mrmopartech
Mrmopartech said:
First off,this is not the same unit. Dissassemble the old unit and try not to brake any thing.On the new unit you will need to extend the pick up tube,and all so replace the float rod from the old unit and use the new float.Check the resistance of the old unit when its up and record it,and when its down.

Unfortanately, I didn't mention in the post why I'm replacing the old one. The 62 original is completely toast. The rheostat is completely rusted and missing. ie: its physically not there at all. Its probably floating in the bottom of the tank. So I've got no choice but to try and take my pickup tube and float arm from the 62 and get it into the 67 unit. Hopefully both pickups go from 0-90 or 90-0 or I'll be stuck ;-)

My real question is, can I get the pickup tube out? It seem to be soldered in, so I may have to experiment. My other thought was trying to use a pipe cutter and graft the pieces together and connect with fuel line and use fuel injection clamps to make it secure. I dunno. Looking for thoughts and ideas ;-)



Do the same to the new one,so you can see if the two units resistance both go down in value and up in value the same way.Units either go down in value say from 90 ohms to zero,or go from 0-90ohms.You need to make sure of the guage and witch way it works to match it.With some work you can do it,Mrmopartech