How/where to use clay bar?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
About to try something new/different for me-polishing a new finish for the first time with a clay bar. Does one normally use a clay bar on all the surfaces or just on the horizontal surfaces (hood, rood, deck lid)? One video I watched showed the guy using soap and water for a lubricant, my kit came with its own slick spray. Thank you for any input before I begin.
you can use it on all the surfaces. they one thing I suggest is wash the car thoroughly first. cause the last thing you want is a dirty clay bar when you start using it.
If you really want to have a great outcome, use a DA polisher with the pad designed to hold the clay bar in the center. It really gets the paint clean. Glass too. Use plenty of spray.