How would you fix this cowl rust?

Thanks for the advice, I will do that when the fenders are off. My biggest fear is that the lap joints I created will rust out eventually, but like you say as long as I keep it clean and dry it should last for a long time.

Cool, all that matters is if your happy with it, I'd keep the cowl cleaned out and run a hose in there once in a while and it should keep the problems at bay. Maybe squirt some zero rust as deep as you can in the fender outlets towards engine after you clean and dry it. This is a nice tight area that likes to rust too. Steel is ok with the brush of water, but as soon as it stagnates with leaves on top of it watch out!

Nice work, good luck!
Thanks for the advice, I will do that when the fenders are off. My biggest fear is that the lap joints I created will rust out eventually, but like you say as long as I keep it clean and dry it should last for a long time.

If you used weld thru primer, that's all you can do, the whole car is put together with lap welds, lol.

If you didn't you'll be able to get extra protection on your fix spraying zero rust thru the cowl, and the fender access points, as deep as you can with a straw and good light. Should help with that pesky piece of mind. I feel your pain.
