Howdy from North Carolina

LMAO @ running 'like buttered ***' on the old fuel :-D

Welcome aboard Bo! You're going to be a great assssssset here. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Keep the pics and stories coming.
CudaChick... from the Volunteer State? Dang, that's HOT.

So... you wanna dance?

I'm not from there originally, just a transplant.

Sorry Raleigh but I've no time for dancing despite what the 8" platforms may suggest. :-D Much too busy in the shop ... until there's a pole installed anyway. LMAO
I'm not from there originally, just a transplant.

Sorry Raleigh but I've no time for dancing despite what the 8" platforms may suggest. :-D Much too busy in the shop ... until there's a pole installed anyway. LMAO

OK guys, Let's take up a collection for the pole!!!!!:toothy10:
I'll fab one up and install it myself if I'm guaranteed an invite. Shoot, it would tickle me pink just to watch you lean over that fender and wrench on something.
That is awesome!!!! The show starts @ 9:00 A.M. I believe it is $20.00 to register your car but proceeds go to MADD. I'll be there early. Just look for my Duster, It is the one from the Sheetz commercials. Blue with white stripe and black scoops. I'll have the pics of the commercial shoots and there should be a strong turnout out there this weekend. Hope to see you there!!

Man, I hate that I didn't make it to the show today! How was it?

I leave work early, head to the house to shower up and clean the ol' Valiant up and just as I get to the driveway, the Mopar gods frown upon yours truly. I mash the brake pedal and it goes straight to the floor! The brake light comes on just as I sail past my mailbox like an anorexic chick passin' the supper table. So I pull a Maverick and snatch on the Oh-damn handle. After a lap around the farm to slow this runaway train down, I idle into the drive and start snatchin' off anything blockin' my view of the brakes.

Well, the old man that owned it must have been a bowtie mech, 'cause it looked like somebody installed the brake harware from Fred Flinstone's crap-mobile.

Anyway, I found the culprit: popped the boot and seal right out of the wheel cylinder and dang near filled the hubcap with DOT3. I spent the rest of the afternoon tryin' to get a hardware kit for 9" drums. You'd think I was lookin' for a sack of unicorn farts the way some of these parts guys were givin' me the eyeball.

Here's the wheel cylinder that was in the BEST shape after a thorough baptising with brake cleaner. Note the forward boot.