Huge breakthrough on M.S?

It's scary that this is not getting news coverage in the states. WTF?

Americans should be alarmed about this.
Have you seen the Rick Simpson "Run From The Cure " video , I personally know several people who have found a great deal of success with his treatment , both in outright restoration of health and management of daily life depending on the ailment and amount of damage done by the disease prior to treatment
Have you seen the Rick Simpson "Run From The Cure " video , I personally know several people who have found a great deal of success with his treatment , both in outright restoration of health and management of daily life depending on the ailment and amount of damage done by the disease prior to treatment

No cant say I have. I watched an interesting documentary about ozone therapy last night. It's simply called Ozone.,a medical breakthrough?

I found the fact that Germany allows Ozone treatment very facinating. Italy also uses it extensively. In fact all of Cuba's Doctors are trained in ozone therapy.

The most fascinating thing about ozone is there was a study here in Canada. Ozone was being used to treat Aids. They found that ozone completely eradicated the virus that causes aids.

There was a Doctor in New York treating his cancer patients with combined ozone/traditional cancer therapy.The (FDA) shut him down. You can still get ozone generators for purifying water. There also seems to be a large underground ozone movement.
Rick Simpsons treatment is a little more controversial than ozone but the facts are that most of these diseases did not exist in the numbers we see today prior to the 1930s when the Pharma business took over the treatment of illness as opposed to the family doctor who knew about regional issues and hereditary issues within your family etc ... the sad truth is there is no money in cure and most of the major pharma companies make the majority of their profits from Cancer and other so called uncurable ailments , while MS is not the focus of Ricks treatment I know there are MS patients using it with various levels of success , keep in mind most Pharma treatments kill more people than they cure and that comes from the pages of the pharma companies themselves . good luck we're all praying for you and yours

P.S. you can download the full Video from his non profit " " { not positive on the spelling but it will come up under his name on google } Rick was just given a world humanitarian award in Europe but won't be able to return to Canada as the Canadian establishment has made him a high priority target for treating people for free
O.K!!! Preliminary reports out of the Boston study are "amazing" to directly quote..

They are stressing that it is not a cure,but may need to be repeated every 5 years due to the jugular reclosing by itself.

Like i care.Im sitting here typing one handed.Get me in there an drill the fricken viens already!! Im so sick of hurting...