Hurst Reverse LO RED knob


Tribute SS/A 68

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Little Rock
Will someone with a Hurst shifter w/ the red knob for reverse lock out, please measure the knob and tell me the size/diameter ?
thanks !
Original vintage rev lockout from a S/S Hemi Dart. Looks like 1 5/8"-ish. Also this piece was cast with a top and bottom unlike the current knobs which are injection? There is a line going around the "equator"
If you're talking about the original ones that came out in the early 70s, I've got one at home on my Super Shifter, and can have your answer after I get home late this afternoon and measure it.
Here we go, as promised, and measured by my little, bought on sale, genuine Harbor Freight plastic digital calipers; the diameter is 1.123 inches, or in other words just a couple of thou under an inch and an eighth.
That is alot more exact than bending the tape around the knob...however mine is slightly bigger. Mine is an older mid '60s vintage one however.
Thanks to both of you, I am building a 68,
but measuring around will not give me the right dimension, ?
across is the way to go, so is the Dart knob maybe 1 1/8" across too ?
thanks again
If twofosho used a digital caliper, that IS the diameter of his knob. Mine is probably a little bigger because mine is older, or has a different knob. Mine was taken out of a race car. twofosho said in an earlier post he bought his new in '70 I think.