I got robbed :(

Found my 187 oil pan tonight so I have some hope I'll find the other intake at least. Who knows...maybe even the carbs as well. I talked to my tenant about it and we both remember getting the rear end but neither of us remember where it is:(

If I can't find a suitable 400 soon I'll probably just plop the 440 into the Duster and trade for a Dart like I mentioned above.

More later...

Really sorry to hear this. Just flat out sucks . If you saw my thread, some losers TRIED to get in my house but didn't succeed. My neighbor kid just so happened to be leaving to go snowboarding and saw it go down. he yelled at the S***heads and chased them off.
Hope you can find your stuff back. You can Pm me a list of missing stuff and I'll keep my eye out down south here.
"About 200 Laser Disc movies
3 HD DVD players"

Check your local pawn shops they sell tons of this stuff.

Oh ya I hate thieving bastards too :cussing:
........I hate theives as well...............i say its some1 that knows u......or through a friend of a friend...........kim............
You can bet your *** they didn't even know what they got. Try checkin your local scrap yards.

And you can bet they had allot of time and help along with a big vehicle to get in there and not leave a foot print or tire, could be some blood on the floor grabbing all that matt.....
So sorry to hear that the thieves new you would be gone and hit your place, I was hit a few years ago and retrieved my 440 manifolds and all from the crusher
"About 200 Laser Disc movies
3 HD DVD players"

Check your local pawn shops they sell tons of this stuff.

Oh ya I hate thieving bastards too :cussing:

The Laser Discs are a rare item, so it's not often something like that would pop up somewhere. Should be fairly easy to track down, if some of them suddenly show up in a pawn shop or on ebay.