I had a first today in a Dodge truck.



New to Mopar land
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
East Tennessee
Today I bought a 1989 Ram 150. 318 auto air and some dents. The price was good and the mileage low (101 thousand).
The car had set for about 6 months. While driving it home I started to sell burnt oil. Stop and check the motor and trans, all is good. Well to make a long story short. When I got home in the dark the smell was bad. After looking around I found out that WASP had built a nest and had blocked the vent to the rear axle. The front seal was pushed out and so was the passenger side seal. Has anyone had this happen to them?
Nope never had that happen b4..... but i was not thinking any thing like this when i opened this lol:blob:
Not on a Mopar, but I've replaced a few rears over the years because the vent tube has gotten plugged with some debris or other. Last one was in '02 Silverado.