I hate bodywork!!!


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
I spent the last 2 days working on the body of my 98 Ram 4x4. The procedure was basicly, grind down the areas where the paint had chiped off, (I drive on a lot of logging roads), cut out the rust, weld in new metal, grind off welds, apply bondo, rough sand and primer for a little protection until I can finish the job. What a pain in the azz. I'm not very good at it and that makes it worse. I cant wait till it's done and I don't have to worry about it again for a year or two.
Oh, did I mention, I HATE BODYWORK!!!

I can definitely relate! At the rate I'm going I've probably got another year of bodywork ahead of me:eek:
You must be getting better at it by now Jack with the practice you had doing the Demon. If you are looking for more practice come up to Fredericton, there is a **** load to be done on the Swinger!:sign7:
I actually don't mind it that much, wouldn't want to do it for a living but as a hobby it's not bad. It's the painting that I don't like, so much prep to get everything squeaky clean, setting up the booth, the stress of not dragging a hose into your paint or leaning into it, dust, etc. #-o
I'm with you Jack - as I'm in bodywork purgatory now trying to get mine ready for paint before hell freezes over.
Well the sanding part does suck the most, but the rest of it isn't so bad. I'm in the middle of it right now and not minding it. I've done quite a few resto's so I don't find it very stressful, almost therapeutic, maybe I'm losing my mind :dontknow:
It's the rocker panels and lower area's of the box. This means lay on your back and work upside down. My arms get tired after while in that position. If I was working on the hood, roof or upper box, I probably wouldn't mind it so much. Also, it's a real pizz off when you find foam at every spot it rusted through.
Beer, now there's a good idea!

You need one of those mini lifts the tire shops have that lift it a couple of feet, that would sure make the lower areas easier to work on. I saw one used a while ago but it got snapped up before I could get there :cussing:
Find rust spot (easy).

Grind off rust and find that the hole is three times bigger than I thought.

Trace out patch on cardboard.

Cut patch out of sheet metal.

Weld in patch.


Add more weld because I suck at welding sheet metal. :sign6:


Look down side of body and realize that this **** is not my forte'.

Figure it's good enough, but not take pictures as I suck at this.

I know what you mean Jack. I was doing this all last night on my Rustcharger. :blah5: