I invented a new mouse trap



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Aug 20, 2007
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Orland Park, IL
Hi everyone. We keep finding mouse scat on our 72 Challenger in the back garage.

We set a trap a couple of months back and caught one of the little suckers.

Then we start finding some more scat around....

So I brought some more traps back there and haven't gotten around to baiting and setting them yet.

I was working in the front garage with the older boy and go in the back garage today to get something, and notice that on the trunk of the Challenger is a jar of water with a mouse in it...

How did it get in there?

I asked the oldest son if he knew anything about it, and he said no.

So I guess that the guy climbed into the glass jar (I use it for water for my sponge when soldering wiring). Then the water happened to be too high for him to be able to breath, then he tried to climb out of the jar, but could not get that high (jar is slippery on his wet feet). Then he probably got exhausted and drowned. Notice that the water is not too low or too high for him to get out, and ended up drowning.

And I've been buying and setting traps all this time....

Maybe I should put out some more jars with a little water in them to see if I can catch any more....

View attachment Mouse B06 B2.jpg

View attachment Mouse B05 B.jpg
Enter - homemade mouse trap bucket - into a search engine, go big, go bucket.
Those are cool, but I didn't invent them accidentally like the jar of water.... LOL!

I can't believe that I caught a mouse with a simple jar of water....
I found a dead mouse floating in a 5 gallon bucket in my garage, had about 3-4" of water in it. My uncle used to trap chipmunks by taking a 5 gallon bucket and fill it half full, then put a bunch of popcorn ontop of the water. Then, take a long board and at it from the bucket to the ground so they can climb up...place popcorn on the board and the ground around the bucket....eventually they will want more and climb up and in....then drown....I would think it would work for mice and rats too :glasses7:
I found a dead mouse floating in a 5 gallon bucket in my garage, had about 3-4" of water in it. My uncle used to trap chipmunks by taking a 5 gallon bucket and fill it half full, then put a bunch of popcorn ontop of the water. Then, take a long board and at it from the bucket to the ground so they can climb up...place popcorn on the board and the ground around the bucket....eventually they will want more and climb up and in....then drown....I would think it would work for mice and rats too :glasses7:

Great idea!
We used something similar at our deer camp.

Ice cream pail with antifreeze (wouldnt freeze when you werent there for a week) and the mice dont stink... Get a metal coat hanger and pop or beer can(Beer for most of you guys) punch a hole thru it, top and bottom, smear peanut butter on it. Punch a hole across the rim of the ice cream pail. Slide the coat hanger thru. Give the mouse a way to climb up and when it gets on the pop can it falls in and drowns. Worked great!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSk79YcuIRQ"]Making a 5 gal. bucket mouse trap. - YouTube[/ame]
We used something similar at our deer camp.

Ice cream pail with antifreeze (wouldnt freeze when you werent there for a week) and the mice dont stink... Get a metal coat hanger and pop or beer can(Beer for most of you guys) punch a hole thru it, top and bottom, smear peanut butter on it. Punch a hole across the rim of the ice cream pail. Slide the coat hanger thru. Give the mouse a way to climb up and when it gets on the pop can it falls in and drowns. Worked great!!

Making a 5 gal. bucket mouse trap. - YouTube

Cool video Ramie. I thought Dad was gonna wear the drill bit for sure...lol
I wonder how many "lefthanders" it took to come up with that design....
I found a dead mouse floating in a 5 gallon bucket in my garage, had about 3-4" of water in it. My uncle used to trap chipmunks by taking a 5 gallon bucket and fill it half full, then put a bunch of popcorn ontop of the water. Then, take a long board and at it from the bucket to the ground so they can climb up...place popcorn on the board and the ground around the bucket....eventually they will want more and climb up and in....then drown....I would think it would work for mice and rats too :glasses7:

Funny that you mention the chipmunk thing.

I had an empty garbage can on my front porch that I was using to clean up the debris from having to have 7 trees cut down in my yard (they were dead or infected with the ash bore). It was sitting empty on my porch for about a week and a half, where we had some rain. The can filled with about 6-8" of water and I found a dead chipmunk floating in it a week or so after the rains were over. No bait needed.
I just can't get over that I caught the mouse with an old spaghetti sauce jar and some water. I didn't have to spend a nickle on a trap or bait.... #-o

Just with household items that I have laying around. :cheers:
We find rats floating in the horse waterer from time to time...I always look in each of them every time I'm out to feed them to make sure they don't have a floater. Got a baby rat in the chicken waterer once, too.
We used something similar at our deer camp.

Ice cream pail with antifreeze (wouldnt freeze when you werent there for a week) and the mice dont stink... Get a metal coat hanger and pop or beer can(Beer for most of you guys) punch a hole thru it, top and bottom, smear peanut butter on it. Punch a hole across the rim of the ice cream pail. Slide the coat hanger thru. Give the mouse a way to climb up and when it gets on the pop can it falls in and drowns. Worked great!!

Making a 5 gal. bucket mouse trap. - YouTube

Yup, this is a Yooper Mouse Trap. Been using them for as long as there has been buckets and cans. Its the best way to catch the lil basterds.
LOL, just did and this one was my favorite

I'd just put gasoline in the bucket after I catch them alive and then shot a flaming arrow into it from 60 yards and blast the little rodent bastards to heck.....but that is just me. LOL
LOL, just did and this one was my favorite

I'd just put gasoline in the bucket after I catch them alive and then shot a flaming arrow into it from 60 yards and blast the little rodent bastards to heck.....but that is just me. LOL

LMAO, got tears in my eyes...Frig I read the first couple responses laughing and they just got better and better LOL
The narrator in the video reminds me of Doug & Bob McKenzie....

Hi, I'm Bob, this is my brother Doug, we're going to show you how to build a mouse trap.... LOL!
Then you get the PETA (or PITA - Pain In The ***) people thanking them for not killing the mouse, and others saying to just kill the vile things...