I love guys.......

I am 28 years old and one of my really good friends that I have met in the Army and have been on two deployments to Iraq with. This past we were both Team Leaders in the same squad. Battle buddys!!! Even though I am out of the Army and he has moved to a different post, when we get on the phone together we always through a I love you at the end of each call. The other day he even called me because he got a gut feeling something was wrong and wanted to just check on me and make sure I was ok. Finding good friends like that are hard to find.
Yup...I have a Cousin that is the Brother I never had.It's always "Love Ya Bud".

Same here!! My cousin is about the same age as me and we have a lot in common, never been upset with each other, he is the brother I never had and we say "Love Ya" and hug every time we meet and say "see ya later"

I have 3 uncles who I hug when I see them, same goes for my grandpa. I lost my other grandpa late last fall, every time I was around him I always gave him a hug (so did a few of my male cousins) I was able to see him in the hospital before he went into surgery and was able to hug him and told him I loved him...it meant a lot I was able to do that because after surgery he never recovered fully and was knocked out by all the medications that were keeping him alive....but he knew we were all there for him....RIP Grandpa

My dad and I are very close and love each other but don't really hug much or say "I love you" but we both are buds and enjoy our time together :glasses7:
No, last ones close enough to qualify as a friend are unreliable; the relationship was me working, them taking.

Really, I'm better off on my own. It's always been like that.

I believe in what your saying though. I'm 28 so who knows.
No, last ones close enough to qualify as a friend are unreliable; the relationship was me working, them taking.

Really, I'm better off on my own. It's always been like that.

I believe in what your saying though. I'm 28 so who knows.

unfortunately I know exactly what you mean.

and your a year older than me ....so I think we are at a age where there is still hope. old people live different than us anyway so you never know what is to come.
I'm 43 this year. I have my ol lady , that's it. Other than that its co-workers and acquaintances. I guess I'm just old cuz I don't trust anyone. Kinda jealous of you all for having "that"