I may have screwed up....Need help

For some years ago before the assemble of the engine I was searching for the alternator bolt which bolts the alt. to the block.
I was looking for weeks after the bolt but couldn´t find it.
Had friend for a visit and he asked me if I hadn´t put in the box togehther with the alternator.... nooo I said, I would´ve remember if I had put it there.
Well.... after a couple weeks of looking I took a look in the box and guess what......:eek:ops:.
I´m sure of that you´ll find your missing parts soon.
forget about them and move on to looking for the next thing you can`t find and thats when they will turn up somewhere right in front of you usually in plain sight , that`s how it works for me anyway lol , remember not being able to find your keys isn`t a sign of senility having them inb your hand and not knowing what the heck they are for is .

PS I haven`t chromed my fender fish yet but now that you got me thinking I`ll see if I have any extras , I think I have a spare Plymouth emblem and maybe a fish or 2
Spent 2 hours looking for the k-member bolts, no luck but did find my spark plug wire separators, and my engine turning nut. Still have to check the storage unit, think I might remember taking a box of nuts/bolts parts to the storage unit.
coffeedart Im jealous!! My emblems are playing a mean game of hide n seek....that is soon gonna turn into seek n destroy!! Still not a frickin thing....Im losing hope now...shitty ballz!!
forget about them and move on to looking for the next thing you can`t find and thats when they will turn up somewhere right in front of you usually in plain sight , that`s how it works for me anyway lol , remember not being able to find your keys isn`t a sign of senility having them inb your hand and not knowing what the heck they are for is .

PS I haven`t chromed my fender fish yet but now that you got me thinking I`ll see if I have any extras , I think I have a spare Plymouth emblem and maybe a fish or 2

Thanks 'nuck...leave it for now, but dont get ridda them!! Ya never know....I may just need them....frustrates the **** outta me...I hate losing stuff.....except mee drawers....LOL
and this years wing eatin contest -you goin down -what ya gonna do when the Cannucky comes for you brother .
coffeedart Im jealous!! My emblems are playing a mean game of hide n seek....that is soon gonna turn into seek n destroy!! Still not a frickin thing....Im losing hope now...shitty ballz!!
You may want to temporarily take that calendar down and look again...They may be on the bench right in front of that calendar !!!
LOL....Maybe in a coffee can?In the glove box?In a top drawer of a tool box?
What do you normally store parts in?
I hope you find them soon Steve. I feel bad that you went to look for them for me and found out they are missing. But then again I'm glad you found out they are missing sooner than later....Like when you go to put them on your finished car are realize you have no idea where they went. I lose sh*t all the time to and no the beers don't ever help that situation. LOL Good luck.
You may want to temporarily take that calendar down and look again...They may be on the bench right in front of that calendar !!!
LOL....Maybe in a coffee can?In the glove box?In a top drawer of a tool box?
What do you normally store parts in?

All my emblems were together(or so I thought) in a cardboard tube in the house...wrapped individually in bubble wrap...complete set for my car alltogether...OR I had some on my "mopar display" in the shop...they were mint too...1 fish was NOS and the other just as nice....

I hope you find them soon Steve. I feel bad that you went to look for them for me and found out they are missing. But then again I'm glad you found out they are missing sooner than later....Like when you go to put them on your finished car are realize you have no idea where they went. I lose sh*t all the time to and no the beers don't ever help that situation. LOL Good luck.

Thanks, it is a long way off before needing them, but its nice to be able to knock stuff off of your list right?? Hey Im glad ya put the call into me...if I do end up needing them at least its not at the last minute now right?? LOL
That's right you would really be kicking yourself if it was last minute.
Ummm, I thought they were a bonus when you sent them along with the wiper switch knob!! I just naturally assumed that it was your "buy one knob, get a set of emblems free" sale...oh wait, the knob was free too!! OK, now I'm confused!! Nope, checked the box again, just the knob!!! I think I have an extra fish if you want it!! Don't know if theres a difference in years though!! geof
Ummm, I thought they were a bonus when you sent them along with the wiper switch knob!! I just naturally assumed that it was your "buy one knob, get a set of emblems free" sale...oh wait, the knob was free too!! OK, now I'm confused!! Nope, checked the box again, just the knob!!! I think I have an extra fish if you want it!! Don't know if theres a difference in years though!! geof

LOL, yes there is a difference thru 67-9...go frickin figure. Thanks for the kind offer Geof...hold off for now......:banghead::violent1::sign3: