I Need You Opinion

I don't think so!:wack:

California's smog laws may help keep the newer cars in check but they do nothing for the older cars.
Why would I say this? Here is a good example:

My father-in-law had a worn out 78 Toyota pickup truck that he bought new. The engine was completely worn out and was even equipped with the automatic oil change system...just keep adding oil! He ended up giving me the truck and when I took it in to get smogged they checked the truck for all emmisions equipment....pass. They then tested the truck on their exhaust pipe sucker and surprize! FAILED. Bummer right? Wrong! $45 for the smog check, another $40 or $50 for the waiver!!! and I'm off and driving this POS! Why? Because it would cost me too much money to fix the truck!
That's right, the smog station got their money, the state got their money, I'm driving around in a gross polluter and everyone's happy!:cheers:

Hmmm, it's almost like they just wanted the money and didn't really care about the environment....#-oBut hey, at least with CARB approval I can pay double or triple for CARB approved parts that are identical to unapproved parts...that's real nice, right?
I wonder how much the state makes off of the whole CARB approval system...:read2:

P.S. Sorry for the thread jack, but that is a real sore spot with me. There is only one reason that the state will not allow you to run a clean car with unnapproved parts...PROFIT!

Okay look I don't like smog laws either so by no means am I some kind of Ralph Nader green head. Furthermore I agree that the whole smog system is a money maker, no kidding, so are DMV fee's also. However to say that the whacked smog laws, yes I agree, whacked, do not at least keep the cleaner more efficient cars on the road is a fallacy. As for your waiver, show me how to get one in writing and legally because my 88 Mark VII is getting harder to pass every year. I've had two cars, a 91 Buick Skylark and an 83 Mercury Cougar retired because they couldn't pass smog. One due to a lack of an EGR and adjustable timing system, and the other due to NOS levels which no matter what I did to remedy, would not fit specified approved levels. So please show me the waiver system in writing or link me on the DMV website so I can be enlightened. I'm sure I can rig something up to allow these cars to run "clean".
ya i do think i need to take a ride up there lol
this guy is really considering the trade on the dart and the charger idk what to do the charger is in freakin great shape no rust ANYWERE was a bb car crap what do i do people HELP
this guy is really considering the trade on the dart and the charger idk what to do the charger is in freakin great shape no rust ANYWERE was a bb car crap what do i do people HELP

You keep your Dart like everyone has told you to do. Stop changing yer mind man.
i know i know but i cant belive im saying this but this car is super super clean and woudl need almost nothing but the 383 i have to be dropped in and chargers a pretty cool at least it aint a cheby this sucks i would love to have both what i could do is MAYBE TRADE this gu yand then save up a lil bit of money and go get me another dart there is one right now for 900 bucks right by me i could grab then i would have both
i know i know but i cant belive im saying this but this car is super super clean and woudl need almost nothing but the 383 i have to be dropped in and chargers a pretty cool at least it aint a cheby this sucks i would love to have both what i could do is MAYBE TRADE this gu yand then save up a lil bit of money and go get me another dart there is one right now for 900 bucks right by me i could grab then i would have both

You should focus on one. If you buy both yer just gunna have double the problems.
I would keep the Dart it will always be worth something and a way nicer ride when your done, the truck won't ever be worth anything. It really has no value as to where the Dart will always have value and it will keep increasing as time goes on.
If you're talking about that black charger then look closer,not to diss but man that's rough
Most of us have gone through the same thing, every week seeing a different car we want. It still happens to me but trust what everybody is saying, you're better off sticking with what you have. Your Dart is a much better car, that Charger is a huge, heavy whale.
Hey 71 dodge, I just looked at the pictures of your Dart - the roof replacement is only a one weekend job. If I was closer, I would bring some equipment and help you change it out. Is there, not anyone near you who can help? I believe once that is accomplished; you can see your Dart for the great car that it is! God bless you. Wayne