I Need Your Prayers Friday

Wow thats got to be tough waiting and getting delayed like that, hang in there, best wishes for good results and get well soon, all the best to you and your little one, you and your family take care.
Mike...........Prayer changes things, and the Lord listens.....I think you know this perfectly well.

We all suffer together in this life, with no guarantees except that we'll suffer persecution and ridicule from those who have no belief, just like Christ did before you. Don't let negative words get you discouraged........Hold fast the Faithful Word..........He sees, He hears, He cares.........very simple Truth for a man of Faith like yourself.

If you need anything at all, let us know. Doc & Mary Ann
Mike, For you and family..... :angel7::angel7::angel7::angel7:

im sending you guys many positive thoughts buddy pulling for you and the kid to get through it ok man yo guys can do it good healing:happy10: